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第 1部分 了解时装营销
 chapter one an introduction to fashion marketing
 第1章 时装营销绪论
  1.1 what is fashion? /什么是时装
  1.2 what is marketing? /什么是营销
  1.3 what is fashion marketing? /什么是时装营销
  1.4 fashion marketing in practice /时装营销实践
  1.5 how fashion marketing can help the fashion industry /  时装营销如何有利于时装业
  1.6 what fashion marketers do:five examples /  时装营销者所从事的工作:5个范例
  1.7 ethical issues in fashion marketing /时装营销中的伦理问题
  1.8 an overview of the fashion marketing process /  时装营销过程概述
  1.9 summary /小结
 chapter two the fashion market and the marketing environment
 第2章 时装市场和营销环境
  2.1 introduction /引言
  2.2 the development of the fashion market /时装市场的发展
  2.3 the fashion market: size and structure /时装市场:规模和结构
  2.4 marketing environment /营销环境
  2.5 micro-marketing environment /微观营销环境
  2.6 macro-marketing environment /宏观营销环境
  2.7 trends in the marketing environment /营销环境中的趋势
  2.8 summary /小结
part b understanding and researching the fashion purchaser
第 2部分 了解和调研时装买方
 chapter three the fashion consumer and organizational buyer
 第3章 时装消费者和团体购买者
  3.1 introduction /引言
  3.2 why study the fashion buyer? /为什么研究时装消费者
  3.3 fashion consumer decision-making /时装消费者的购买决策
  3.4 psychological processes /心理过程
  3.5 sociological aspects of consumer behaviour /  消费者行为的社会属性
  3.6 the organizational buyer /团体购买者
  3.7 summary /小结
 chapter four fashion marketing research
 第4章 时装市场营销调研
  4.1 introduction /引言
  4.2 the purpose of marketing research /营销调研的作用
  4.3 an overview of the marketing research process /  营销调研过程的概述
  4.4 problem definition and setting research objectives /  确定问题和锁定调查对象
  4.5 research design /调研设计
  4.6 data sources /资料来源
  4.7 practical sampling methods /实用的抽样方法
  4.8 primary data collection methods /一手资料的收集方法
  4.9 data collection methods /资料收集的方法
  4.10 questionnaire design /调查问卷的设计
  4.11 attitude measurement and rating scales /  态度测量和评价量表
  4.12 the role of marketing research in new product development /  营销调研在新产品开发中的作用
  4.13 forecasting fashion /流行预测
  4.14 the internet as a research tool /调研工具:网络
  4.15 international marketing research /国际市场调研
  4.16 summary /小结
part c target marketing and managing the fashion marketing mix
第3部分 目标营销与营销组合管理
 chapter five segmentation and the marketing mix
 第5章 市场细分与营销组合
  5.1 introduction and overview /引言
  5.2 mass marketing and market segmentation /  大众营销与市场细分
  5.3 segmentation: rationale, bases and strategy /  市场细分:原理、基础和策略
  5.4 positioning and perceptual mapping /定位和认知图
  5.5 the fashion marketing mix /时装营销组合
  5.6 summary /小结
 chapter six designing and marketing fashion products
 第6章 时装产品设计与营销
  6.1 introduction /引言
  6.2 the importance of fashion products /时装产品的重要性
  6.3 the nature of fashion products /时装产品的本质
  6.4 the fashion industry and new product development /  时装业和新产品开发
  6.5 retail buying sequence: autumn and winter season /  零售采购顺序:秋冬季
  6.6 the product mix and range planning /  产品组合和产品系列企划
  6.7 fashion and related life cycles /时装与产品生命周期
  6.8 summary /小结
 chapter seven pricing garments and fashion services
 第 7章 时装定价与服务
  7.1 introduction /引言
  7.2 different views of price /关于价格的不同观点
  7.3 the role of price decisions within marketing strategy /  营销策略中价格决策的作用
  7.4 external factors influencing price decisions /  影响定价的外部因素
  7.5 internal factors influencing price decisions /  影响定价的内部因素
  7.6 main methods of setting prices /定价的主要方法
  7.7 pricing strategies in relation to new products /  新产品的定价策略
  7.8 pricing strategies to match the competition /  参照竞争者定价的策略
  7.9 price changes /价格变动
  7.10 summary /小结
 chapter eight fashion distribution
 第 8章 时装分销
  8.1 introduction / 引言
  8.2 the importance of fashion retailing / 时装零售的重要性
  8.3 structural issues / 结构问题
  8.4 the industry’s components /产业构成
  8.5 trends in retailing /零售的趋势

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