政府与市场之间:Chinas approach to development finance

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政府与市场之间:Chinas approach to development finance

政府与市场之间:Chinas approach to development finance


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Planning for Industrial Development  
Planning for Rural Development  
Planning for Social Development  
Planning for Global Development  
In Theory
The Role of Strategic Planning in Promoting Social and Economic Development  
In Practice
Suzhou Industrial Park  
Chapter 5  The Market Approach: In Pursuit of National Strategies  
Building China's Bond Market  
Paving the Way for Urban Development Finance  
Regional Development: Western China  
Regional Development: Northeast China  
FuU-service Finance: A Bold New Endeavor   
In Theory
The CDB Approach to Growth: Aligning with National Development Strategy  
The Changing Role of Development Finance and Policy-based Lenders  
In the Press
Unleashing the Power of Finance to Develop Western China  
In Focus
CDB: 10 Firsts in China's Bond Market  
Chapter 6  State Bank: Rebalancing the Chinese Economy  
Indigenous Innovation: The Backbone of Domestic Industry  
Going Green: Laying the Foundation for Scientific Development  
Cap and Cultivate: Restructuring for Sustainable Growth  
The Transformative Potential of Emerging Industries  
Cultural Industry: Putting the Final Touches to Rebalancing  
In Theory
Development Finance as a Seedbed for Scientific and Technological Innovation  
A New Model of Economic Growth: The Role of Development Finance  
Chapter 7  Financial Innovation Paving the Way for Rural Development  
High Hopes from Policy Directive "Number 1 Document"  
Ji County Model: Micro-lending to Farmers  
Following Through: Boosting Our Commitment to Rural Development  
In Theory
Building a New Countryside Through Development Finance  
In the Press
Creating New Ways to Finance Agriculture  
Chapter 8  Inclusive Finance: Driving Social Development  
Community Finance: Putting People First  
A Roof over Every Head: "Count CDB In!"  
Student Loans: Ensuring Equity in Education  
Small Loans, Big Impact  
In Theory
Building Markets, Building a Better China  
How Development Finance Can Strengthen Social Foundations  
In Practice
Emergency Lending: Financial Help for Those Most in Need  
Chapter 9  International Cooperation: A Model for Mutual Benefit  
"Going Global Sure Beats Going Rural"  
In Every Crisis, an Opportunity  
Multilateral Cooperation: Making Everyone a Winner  
"Don't Look at Where a Company Comes from; Look at Where It's Going."  
Embracing Africa: Cementing Sino-African Friendship  
In Theory
Going the Distance: In Pursuit of Robust, Long-term Financial Cooperation  
Development Financing: Linking China with the World  
In the Press
Interview: CDB Chairman Chen Yuan  
CCTV Interview: Inter-BRICS Financial Cooperation  
Chapter 10  Development Finance in Ascendance  
Development Finance: At Every Juncture  
From Weiming Lake to the Charles River  
The Ascendancy of Development Finance  
In Theory
Assessing the Global Economic Crisis  
Chinese Economic Development in the Wake of the Global Economic Crisis  
In Focus
China Council for the Promotion of Development Finance  

政府与市场之间:Chinas approach to development finance 节选

一个中国的标志性官员——国开行董事长陈元讲述“如何修改游戏规则,在政策性和市场化之间找到平衡”的探索与历程。 陈元等编著的《政府与市场之间:开发性金融的中国探索》分别从银证合作、国家战略、地区规划、国际市场等方面,记录了围绕开发性金融在这些领域运用的背景和重要事件,同时收入作者在重要节点发表的重要文章以及重要访谈,让读者了解了一个理论体系与实践结合不断完善的过程,也充分体现了作者“金融报国”的抱负。

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