政府与市场之间:Chinas approach to development finance

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政府与市场之间:Chinas approach to development finance

政府与市场之间:Chinas approach to development finance


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政府与市场之间:Chinas approach to development finance 本书特色

一个中国的标志性官员——国开行董事长陈元讲述“如何修改游戏规则,在政策性和市场化之间找到平衡”的探索与历程。 陈元等编著的《政府与市场之间:开发性金融的中国探索》分别从银证合作、国家战略、地区规划、国际市场等方面,记录了围绕开发性金融在这些领域运用的背景和重要事件,同时收入作者在重要节点发表的重要文章以及重要访谈,让读者了解了一个理论体系与实践结合不断完善的过程,也充分体现了作者“金融报国”的抱负。

政府与市场之间:Chinas approach to development finance 内容简介

     《政府与市场之间:开发性金融的中国探索》分别从银证合作、国家战略、地区规划、国际市场等方面,记录了围绕开发性金融在这些领域运用的背景和重要事件,同时收入作者在重要节点发表的重要文章以及重要访谈,让读者了解了一个理论体系与实践结合不断完善的过程,也充分体现了作者“金融报国” 的抱负。

政府与市场之间:Chinas approach to development finance 目录

Foreword Paul Keating
Zhou Xiaochuan
Andrew Sheng
Chapter 1 World-class Development Finance
Stepping Up to the Task
Tackling Credit Reform Head On
China's First Bank Restructuring
Building Markets and Rewriting Rules
Rising to the Top in Development Finance
In Theory
Development Finance, World-Class Performance
In the Press
Becoming a World-Class Bank
Chapter 2 Bank-Government Partnership: A New Norm
Foreword Paul Keating  
  Zhou Xiaochuan  
  Andrew Sheng  
Chapter 1  World-class Development Finance  
Stepping Up to the Task  
Tackling Credit Reform Head On  
China's First Bank Restructuring  
Building Markets and Rewriting Rules  
Rising to the Top in Development Finance  
In Theory
Development Finance, World-Class Performance  
In the Press
Becoming a World-Class Bank  
Chapter 2  Bank-Government Partnership: A New Norm  
Breaking the Bank-Government Deadlock   
The Yunnan Pilot   
Banks and Government: Building Markets Together  
A Broad Channel Between State and Market  
In Theory
Development Finance as a Driver for Sustainable Development  
Stronger Markets for a More Harmonious Society  
In the Press
Development Finance: Paving the Way for Stronger Markets  
Chapter 3  The Wuhu Model: Transforming China's Cities  
Setting the Stage: Wuhu  
"Bundling Out" the Bottlenecks  
Urbanizing 800 Million  
Tianjin: Reinventing a City  
Ongoing Growth  
The HBS Case Study  
In Theory
Financing Urban Development  
Development Finance and Urbanization  
In Practice
From Farm to Factory: Tracing the Journey of Urbanization  
Chapter 4  Strategic Planning for Smart Development  
Case Study: The Liaoning Economic Corridor  

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