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作者:蔡志忠 编绘,吴靖宇 译

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以少取胜 win victory with fewer men
银弹攻势 the silver bullet offensive
人兽之间 between man and beast
客串演出 guest performers
为国捐躯 sacrifice for the nation
成本问题 the question of production cost
猪羊不缺 no lack of pigs and sheep
看谁厉害? who’s stronger 
欺牛太甚 pushing the bull too hard
马嘴上阵 head does not match jaw
探亲规矩 home visit etiquette
黄牛本性 the nature of a bull
有命在身 see who is stronger
猪族觉醒 self-determination of the pig tribe
眼在手上 eyes on palms
手术后果 result of surgery
伸缩镜头 zoom lenses
双手偷香 voyeurism by hand
能看能打 able to fight as well as to see
里外不是人 no human form
搔痒战术 the tickling tactics
大小通吃 wipe out big and small altogether
鱼肉庆功 celebrating the victory
不是人才,而是木材! not capable men, but timber
无用之用 the use of uselessness
风林火山 wind, forest, fire and mountain
靠山可怕 dangerous supporter
慧眼识英“才” keen perception of good timber
也是一招 also a skill
先甜后苦 first sweet and then bitter
“鸟”医生出马 a bird doctor comes forward
雷震子 lei zhenzi
云雾制造机 the cloud-and-mist-making machine
等到何年 wait till what year 
别有目的 having ulterior motive
速成仙丹 an instant magic pill
“鹰”雄本色 inherent qualities of the sexes
还得加道手续 one more necessary procedure
迫切问题 a pressing problem
飞虎特技 stunt of the flying tiger
鸟类公敌 enemy of birds
透天房屋 roofless housing
新鲜野味 fresh game dish
战争的好处 the advantage of war
赏口饭吃 spare a mouthful of food for me
有书为证 shown on record
税金太重 heavy taxes
画饼充饥 draw a cake to allay hunger
自行校阅 self-reviewing
空中楼阁 castle in the air
多金单身汉 a wealthy bachelor
飞战可怕 terrible battle in the air
空飘鸟肉 fowl meat from the sky
鸟尽狗烹 after the birds are killed
十绝大阵 the great battle of 10 unique skills
举国不满 nationwide protest
十绝大阵 the great battle of 10 unique skills
有凭有据 fully substantiated
难渡关山 criteria hard to meet
十杰大选 electing the 10 outstanding talents
正宗牛肉场 genuine
塞翁失马 a blessing in disguise
杰出婴儿 an outstanding baby
英雄难过甜头关 the test of sweetness
出口收费 pay at the exit
谈笑用兵 fighting a fun battle
玲珑有致 exquisite little thing
滑冰制敌 subdue the enemy by skating
温水煮蛋 boiling eggs with earth heat
天然温泉 natural spa
战场规矩 rules of battlefield
金光党秀 golden light gang show
金光镜阵 golden light mirror battle array
攻击弱点 aim at the weak point
母亲之花 flowers for a mother
舌粲莲花 lotus flower blooms on the tongue
莲花可怕 a terrible lotus flower
果真太空! truly a space robe
安胎保济丸 miscarriage-prevention medicine
先去半条命 lose half a life first
通通有请 please come, everyone!
现代经营术 modern managerial skill
果真惊人 extraordinary, indeed!
预算问题 budget problem
纸上谈兵 armchair strategists
新鲜武器 modern arms
各擅胜场 both are victors
民主先驱 pioneers of democracy
将军的垫脚石 the general’s stepping-stone
正字标记 the orthodox symbol
进口毒烟 imparted poisonous smoke
为谁辛苦为谁忙 for whom are we bustling about 
从善如流 follow what is right
整批作业 wholesale operation
阴错阳差 the great mix-up
统独问题 unification or separation
物尽其用 make the best use of everything
新式战略 modern strategy
文宣** propaganda goes first
风雨同舟 in the same storm-tossed boat
殷鉴可贵 valuable lesson of yin
错得离谱 excessively wrong
公开审判 an open tribunal
如何下手 where to begin
下不了手 absolutely bewitched
保护动物 animal protection
成就不同 different achievements
自我“封神” self-deification
片尾字幕 words at the end of the film
附录 延伸阅读
appendix further reading 封神榜-中英文对照版

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