封神榜-中英文对照版作者:蔡志忠 编绘,吴靖宇 译 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787514320497 定价:33.0 出版时间:2014-01-01 出版社:现代出版社 |
寓教于乐 instructive entertainment
拿手戏 the final test
承担不起 too big an honour
儿童本色 childish nature
无鱼虾也好 budget constraint
十万火急 as swift as lightning
配备齐全 complete outfit
祸不单行 encounter with the traffic police
姜子牙 jiang ziya
*佳拍档 working partners
不同凡“熊” no ordinary bear
符合名衔 namesake
风水轮流转 good fortune comes by magic
聚魔神水 demon-attracting magic water
错用范本 another try
助人为快乐之本 flying tricks
果真天下** it’s lonely up there
原始飞行器 to the rescue
仙山学店 magic training school
太早高兴 intense competition
同病相怜 two of a kind
果真是幼齿 just an upstart
别有用途 special hat
卖弄禅机 the subtleties of zen
换汤不换药 old wine in a new bottle
田舍功夫 master’s teachings
各有利弊 aches and sores
新的更不妙 new may not be better
力战群魔 fighting the demons
关系企业 bored stiff
生活即是道 life is the way
依“法”有据 in accordance with the law
《易》书*难 easy stuff
国学基础班 back to basics
大法术小解脱(一) it’s magic time!
大法术小解脱(二) trickery!
原始科技 who needs magic
分配问题 budget constraint
长春不老仙 ageless
顶上问题 “hairy” problem
助一脚之力 a helping foot
各有成长 growing up
后知后觉 on hindsight
美中不足 blemish in a good thing
惊人的数字 bride-searching
正宗马子 horse match
钓与被钓 to fish and be fished
角度不同 by the wei river
钩不离我离 keeping a distance from the water
行行出状元 each trade has its master
新奇钓饵 different kind of bait
砍柴新招 new way to fell a tree
安乐死 another method
目的不在鱼 fish is not the target
青出于蓝 fortune-telling
商纣王 king zhou of shang
人也能生土地 introducing shang
末代皇帝的悲剧 the last emperor
商人的典故 shang people
华夏文化之根 shang culture
历史惯例 tyrant among tyrants
子贡翻案 redeemed by zigong
能担巨轮 holding up a huge wheel
媳妇熬成婆 the long wait is over
暴君文龙 tyrant with a“dragon”tattoo
急死后台 impatience at backstage
新式贺礼 fashionable birthday present
唯一受伤者 victimised
“天”意代表难缠 heaven’s will
样样不如人 inferior in every respect
魔鬼身材 “devilish” figure
现代诗人比较行 modern verses
正中要害 hit on the nail
拍错马屁 licking the wrong boots
不是本行 not in their line of duty
用人不当 wrong person for the job
下身太多,上身不够 figure that!
果真万人迷 real enchantress
狐毛出在狐身上 dressing for the part
自导自演自唱 three-in-one role
演出彻底 snake act
御选女娲 beauty contest
世风日下 the search begins...
半段美人 half beauties
有色眼镜 tinted glasses
雌心不小 female with great ambition
越变越妙 transformation
也不是省油之灯 a worthy rival
缺点成优点 exposed!
金冠藏娇 crowning glory
寡人有“疾” unbridled passion
修身、齐家、治国、平天下 unifying the world
就在后头 where’s the king
一样是山 the same problem
王雄变狗雄 the great king
新型法宝 new magic weapon
妖气浓厚 evil vapour
寻纣王不遇 in the royal harem
千载难逢 rare beauty
幻术本质 keeping up appearances
引经据典 (s)word-play
内容惊人 challenge!
桃木生桃 peaches grow on peach wood
马屁拍在马腿上 what an ldea!
功能不同 recreational activities
百害一利 gain factor
免费建筑术 the art of building
低估身价 little evil spirit
无心鸡 heartless chicken
落人话柄 heart phrases
郎心如铁 man with iron heart
人之将死其言也善 words of a dying man
炮烙烧肉 bi han’s death
爱“心”输出 loving heart
一级毒品 a woman’s venom
蛇肉生吃 snakes for the feasting
生意手腕 bussiness skills
卖力演出 all-out performance
周文王 king wen of zhou
已开发国家 agriculturally sound
藏富于民 store wealth among the people
有钱的烦恼 the trouble with being rich
亲密关系 public relations
合乎标准 averaging out
资历完整 seven-yeat imprisonment
仙辈不妙 immortalised
现代妙手 modern geniue
真人不露相 a wise man hides his true identity
设想周全 searching for the extraordinary man
大丈夫能伸能屈 go visiting
专科医师 another career
热门问题 hot topic
真材实料 salary in kind
快递邮件 express mail
大鬼不到,小鬼报到 summoning the devils
直达班机 direct flight
天下无白坐的专机 taking flight
坑人陷阱 the first commandment
杂牌精品 assorted goods
四合一结晶 a real animal, please
打分不留情 hell of a ride
战场不同 magic weapon
法宝 list of creations
不胜负担 heavy burden
无心之失 fated life
回头不是岸 don’t turn back
新人出场 introducing a new character
全部满分 perfect 100
兼营副业 multi-purpose weapon
外语 英语读物 英汉对照
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