
首页 > 图书 > 教育类图书/2020-06-15 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]



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中国文化:艺术:Arte 本书特色

The “Chinese Culture” book series includes ten books on philosophical thoughts, literature, art, Chinese characters, festivals, foods and drinks, crafts, clothes, architecture and medicine. Each book introduces the history of a field or theme and the same origin of Chinese culture reflected by it, pursues its existence and manifestation in Chinese people’s life today, tells those “unknown stories” through smooth and relaxing words and exquisite pictures, reveals Chinese people’s thinking habits, behavioral modes, traditional concepts and social life, and helps readers understand “what Chinese people are like and what their thinking modes and living customs are.”丛书从源远流长的中国文化中,选取有代表性的10个领域和专题进行介绍,包括哲学思想、文学、艺术、汉字、节日、饮食、工艺、服饰、建筑、医药等10分册。通过流畅、轻松的文字和精美的图片,使海内外广大读者在愉快的阅读体验中,领略中国文化的丰富多彩、博大精深。整个系列中的每种图书既各自独立,综合起来又在精心搭就的框架下,勾勒出中国文化的总体面貌。 艺术伴随着人类的诞生而诞生。数千年来,中国艺术传承了中国传统文化的精神,追求美与善的统一、情与理的会通、人与自然的和谐,重视艺术家的人格完善和艺术的教化功能,*终发展为一个独具中华民族特质的博大精深的世界。
The “Chinese Culture” book series includes ten books on philosophical thoughts, literature, art, Chinese characters, festivals, foods and drinks, crafts, clothes, architecture and medicine. Each book introduces the history of a field or theme and the same origin of Chinese culture reflected by it, pursues its existence and manifestation in Chinese people’s life today, tells those “unknown stories” through smooth and relaxing words and exquisite pictures, reveals Chinese people’s thinking habits, behavioral modes, traditional concepts and social life, and helps readers understand “what Chinese people are like and what their thinking modes and living customs are.” Art emerged with the emergence of man. In the past thousands of years, Chinese art inherited the spirit of China’s traditional culture, pursued unity of beauty and kindness, combination of sensibility and sense and harmony between man and nature, emphasized improvement of artists’ personal qualities and the educational function of art, and ultimately became a broad and deep world with the Chinese nation’s unique characteristics.

中国文化:艺术:Arte 内容简介

本书简要介绍了中国艺术中的书法、绘画、雕塑、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧等六大门类的发展历程,以艺术品、艺术家、艺术事件为中心,带领读者朋友们走进中国艺术,从中领略生活的乐趣,感受创造的力量,体悟生命的意义。 This book briefly introduces the courses of development of six types of Chinese art, namely, calligraphy, painting, sculpture, music, dancing and drama, focuses on artworks, artists and art events, and allows readers to get familiar with Chinese art, appreciate the joy of life in it, feel creative power and understand the meaning of life.

中国文化:艺术:Arte 作者简介

刘谦功 北京大学中国语言文学系文学学士、北京语言大学人文学院教育学硕士、清华大学美术学院文学博士。现为北京语言大学教授,常年在国内外讲授中国艺术史方面的课程,研究领域为中外艺术史、汉语国际教育、中国语言文学,著有《中国艺术史论》等专著和学术论文多种。 Liu Qiangong earned a BA degree at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University, a MA degree in education at the College of Humanities and Social Science, Beijing Language and Culture University, and a Ph.D. degree at the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University. Now she is a professor at Beijing Language and Culture University, offering courses related to China’s art history at home and abroad throughout the entire year. Her research areas are Chinese and foreign art history, international Chinese education, and Chinese language and literature. She has published many monographs and academic treatises including An Essay on China’s Art History.

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外语 FOR老外 传统文化
