中国文化:节日:Fiestas tradicionales

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中国文化:节日:Fiestas tradicionales

中国文化:节日:Fiestas tradicionales


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中国文化:节日:Fiestas tradicionales 本书特色

丛书从源远流长的中国文化中,选取有代表性的10个领域和专题进行介绍,包括哲学思想、文学、艺术、汉字、节日、饮食、工艺、服饰、建筑、医药等10分册。通过流畅、轻松的文字和精美的图片,使海内外广大读者在愉快的阅读体验中,领略中国文化的丰富多彩、博大精深。整个系列中的每种图书既各自独立,综合起来又在精心搭就的框架下,勾勒出中国文化的总体面貌。 《中国文化·节日》是一次对当下中国节日蜻蜓点水式的观察。我们从众多的节日中选出21个节日,然后从节日的内在精神出发,分为坚韧的记忆、神圣的祭拜、世俗的狂欢、生产的节律等七大主题进行书写。在进行历史的追溯的同时,更加着力于现状的展呈,希望为读者勾勒出中国节日的进行时。The “Chinese Culture” book series includes ten books on philosophical thoughts, literature, art, Chinese characters, festivals, foods and drinks, crafts, clothes, architecture and medicine. Each book introduces the history of a field or theme and the same origin of Chinese culture reflected by it, pursues its existence and manifestation in Chinese people’s life today, tells those “unknown stories” through smooth and relaxing words and exquisite pictures, reveals Chinese people’s thinking habits, behavioral modes, traditional concepts and social life, and helps readers understand “what Chinese people are like and what their thinking modes and living customs are.” Chinese Culture: Festivals is a superficial observation of current Chinese festivals. We select 21 festivals from the numerous festivals, and then proceed from the spirit of festivals to write about seven topics including Tenacious Memories, Holy Sacrifice, Mundane Revelry, Rhythm of Production, etc. While looking back at history, we focus more on the presentation of the current situation in the hope of giving a brief account of current Chinese festivals to readers.

中国文化:节日:Fiestas tradicionales 内容简介

中国是一个节日大国。在悠久的历史、广阔的疆域和多样的生态下,中国各民族创造、传承和发展了丰富多彩的节日文化。这些节日,是中国文化集中呈现的舞台和重要的组成部分。神话、传说、信仰、仪式、戏曲、音乐、舞蹈、饮食、工艺等构成中国文化的各种因子都离不开节日。它们承载了中华民族的历史记忆、文化创造、社会机制和生活情趣。从节日里,人们满足着感观之欲,强化着群体的认同,实现着族群的繁衍,寻找着精神的安顿和心灵的慰藉。 China is a major country of festivals. In the long history, vast territory and diversified ecology, various Chinese ethnic groups created, inherited and developed the diversified culture of festivals. These festivals are stages epitomizing Chinese culture and its important components. Various elements of Chinese culture such as myths, legends, religions, rites, traditional Chinese opera, music, dancing, foods and drinks, arts and crafts are inseparable from festivals. They carry the Chinese nation’s historical memories, cultural creations, social mechanisms and joys of life. In festivals, people satisfy their sensual needs, strengthen group recognition, realize multiplication of ethnic groups, and look for mental peace and spiritual solace.

中国文化:节日:Fiestas tradicionales 作者简介

王学文,北京师范大学民俗学博士,现为文化部民族民间文艺发展中心副研究员、国家社科基金重大委托项目《中国节日志》编辑部副主任。主要研究方向为节日文化、文化遗产保护理论与实践。出版有专著《规束与共享》,在《民俗曲艺》(台湾)、《民俗研究》、《山东社会科学》等刊物发表论文多篇。 Wang Xuewen, Ph.D. in folklore studies, graduated from Beijing Normal University and is now an associate research fellow at the Center for Ethnic & Folk Literature & Art Development, Ministry of Culture, PRC and a deputy director of the editorial department of Chinese Festival Annals, a major project entrusted by the National Social Science Fund of China. His main research directions are theory and practice of festival culture and cultural heritage protection. He published Restriction and Sharing, a monograph, and several essays in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (Taiwan), Folklore Studies, Shandong Social Sciences and other periodicals.

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