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外研社翻译教学与研究丛书历史上的翻译家 本书特色


外研社翻译教学与研究丛书历史上的翻译家 内容简介


外研社翻译教学与研究丛书历史上的翻译家 目录

导言 vii
Foreword to the second edition xix
Preface xxviii
Introduction xxxiv

CHAPTER I Translators and the invention of alphabets 3
Ulfila, evangelist to the Goths 4
Mesrop Mashtots and the flowering of Armenian culture 6
Cyril and Methodius among the Slavs 10
James Evans and the Cree of Canada 14
CHAPTER II Translators and the development of national languages 24
A language for England 25
The emancipation of French 37
Martin Luther: artisan of the German language 45
The flowering of the Swedish language 51
The evolution of the Gbaya language in Cameroon 54
Hebrew: a modern language for Israel 59
CHAPTER III Translators and the emergence of national literatures 71
Joost van den Vondel and the Dutch Golden Age 74
Translating Shakespeare to/on the European Continent 80
Changing sides: the case of Ireland 85
Speaking intimately to the Scottish soul ?C in translation 90
Jorge Luis Borges and the birth of Argentine literature 95
Translation and cultural exchange in African literatures 99
CHAPTER IV Translators and the dissemination of knowledge 112
China: importing knowledge through translation 115
India: at the crossroads of translation 120
Baghdad: centre of Arabic translation 125
Medieval Spain: cultural exchange and rebirth 130
The Nordic countries: breaking down the barriers of isolation 135
Machine translation: machines as translators? 140
CHAPTER V Translators and the reins of power 151
The Balfour Declaration: "homeland" or "national home"? 153
Medieval translation enterprises from Baghdad to Western Europe 155
Toward multiple centres of power: the case of France 159
Translation as subversion: Italy and the Soviet Union 165
Conquest and colonization in the New World 170
Women translators: England, the Continent and North America 172
When translators wield power 176
Reframing translation in the twenty-first century 178
CHAPTER VI Translators a

外研社翻译教学与研究丛书历史上的翻译家 作者简介

让·德利尔(Jean Delisle):加拿大渥太华大学荣休教授,加拿大皇家学会会士,加拿大翻译学协会荣誉会员,2000年至2006年期间担任渥太华大学翻译学院院长。研究方向主要为翻译史和术语学,著述被翻译为阿拉伯语、汉语、朝鲜语、西班牙语、意大利语、德语等十六种语言。朱迪斯·伍兹沃斯(Judith Woodsworth):加拿大康考迪亚大学法语系翻译学教授,加拿大翻译学协会创会会长及荣誉会员,2008年至2010年期间担任康考迪亚大学校长。研究方向主要为翻译理论、翻译史、文学翻译和法语文学,在加拿大翻译学界享有很高声誉。

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