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外语教学测试构念研究-以TEM-8作文评分员为例 本书特色

  学术理论新颖  研究领域广宽  材料客观翔实  论述周密严谨  文字简洁流畅

外语教学测试构念研究-以TEM-8作文评分员为例 内容简介


外语教学测试构念研究-以TEM-8作文评分员为例 目录

List of Acronyms
Tables and Figures
Table of Contents

Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Rationale forthe study
1.2 Research background
1.2.1 The TEM generalintroduction
1.2.2 The TEM-8 andits writing component
1.2.3 Studies on the TEM-8 essay rating
1,3 Brief description ofthe research
1.4 Signiflcance of the research
1.5 Outline of the research

Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Studies on raters and rating
2.1.1 Rating in writing assessment
2.1.2 Factors infiuencing rating process
2.1.3 Processofrating
2.2 Problem-solving and cognitive constructivism
2.2.1 Problem-solving
2.2.2 Piaget's cognitive constructivis
2.2.3 Rating process: a problem-soMng process
2.2.4 Raters'cognitive construction
2.2.5 Summary
2.3 Research hypothesis and research questions
2.3.1 Researchhypothesis
2.3.2 Researchquestions

Chapter Three Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Data collection
3.2.1 Scores assigned to 25 essays by 17 raters
3.2.2 Questionnaire data
3.2.3 Think-aloud Protocols: 6 raters' rating 10 essays
3.2.4 Interview data
3.3 Dataanalysis
3.3.1 MFRM analysis of ratingper for mance
3.3.2 Factor analysis of questionnaire data
3.3.3 TAPs data analysis
3.3.4 Interviewdataanalysis
3.3.5 Instruments
3.4 Summart

Chapter Four Results
4.1 Rating quality: MFRM analysis
4.1.1 Theverticalrulers
4.1.2 Examineemeasurementreport
4.1.3 Raters'ratingquality
4.1.4 Bias/lnteraction analysis specified by examinee and rater
4.1.5 Summary
4.2 Factors affecting rating: questionnaire data analysis
4.2.1 Frequencies
Chapter Five Discussion
Chapter Six Implications
Chapter Seven Conclusion and Limitations 外语教学测试构念研究-以TEM-8作文评分员为例

外语 英语学术著作


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