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词汇频率分布 本书特色

《词汇频率分布(英文影印版)》是"计算语言学与语言科技原文丛书"中的一册,在google scholar上已被引用数百次,以直观的图形,简练的文字对词频分布作了一次系统梳理,并有作者的一些独到见解,开此领域先河,也为不同领域的读者了解词频分布规律开启了一扇窗,为有志进一步探索词频分布奥秘的研究者打开了一扇门。

词汇频率分布 内容简介


词汇频率分布 目录

目 录list of figures list of tables 导 读 introduction1 word frequencies1.1 introduction1.2 the frequency spectrum1.3 zipf1.4 the quest for characteristic constants1.5 the lognormal distribution1.6 discussion1.7 bibliographical comments1.8 questions2 non-parametric models2.1 basic concepts .2.2 the um model .2.3 the structural type distribution2.4 the lnre zone2.5 good-turing estimates2.6 interpolation and extrapolation2.6.1 interpolation2.6.2 extrapolation2.7 discussion2.8 bibliographical comments2.9 questions3 parametric models3.1 introduction3.2 lnre models3.2.1 the lognormal structural type distribution3.2.2 the generalized inverse gauss-poisson structural typedistribution3.2.3 the zipfian family of lnre models3.3 evaluating goodness of fit3.4 parameter estimation3.5 a comparative study3.6 comparing lexical measures across texts 3.7 discussion3.8 bibliographical comments3.9 questions 4 mixture distribution尽4.1 introduction4.2 expectations, variances, and covariances4.3 examples of mixture distributions4.3.1 a text-level mixture model4.3.2 morphological mixtures4.4 morphological productivity4.5 discussion4.6 bibliographical comments4.7 questions5 the randomness assumption5.1 the randomness assumption5.1.1 non-randomness and lexical specialization5.1.2 consequences of non-randomness5.2 adjusted lnre models5.2.1 partition-based adjustment5.2.2 parameter-based adjustment5.3 discussion5.4 bibliographical comments6 examples of applications6.1 distributional properties of the lexicon6.1.1 word leng? and sample size6.1.2 matching reliability across corpora6.2 morphological productivity6.2.1 global analyses6.2.2 productivity and register6.3 authorship and style6.4 beyond word frequency distributions6.4.1 counts of filarial worms on mites on rats 6.4.2 year references6.3 cv-structures .6.4.4 word pairs6.4.5 discussion6.5 some practical guidelinesa list of symbols b solutions to the exercises c software d data sets bibliography index 词汇频率分布

外语 英语专项训练 词汇


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