Educational Policies and Legislation in China
Educational Policies and Legislation in China作者:徐小洲著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787308065900 定价:90.0 出版时间:2009-09-01 出版社:浙江大学出版社 |
4.2.2 the basic condition of studying abroad
4.2.3 the content and characteristic of the policy on studying abroad
4.2.4 conclusion
4.3 policies on internationalization of higher education in china"
4.3.1 evolution of the policies on internationalization of higher education
4.3.2 the basic condition of international students in china
4.3.3 approaches and characteristics of the policies on internationalization of higher education
4.4 conclusion
4.4.1 unbalance of the internationalization of higher education
4.4.2 need for a substantial expansion of foreign students studying in china
4.4.3 constructing the international curricul
Educational Policies and Legislation in China 节选
《中国教育政策与法规(英文版)》内容简介:Educational Policies and Legislation in China provides a comprehensive overview of the development of educational policies and legislation in China, particularly those after the introduction of Reform and Opening Up Policy in 1979. This book discusses the theoretic basis and framework of educational policies, explains the important educational laws and legislations, and introduces the policies of educational internationalization, private education, lifelong learning and teacher education. The characteristics and trends of educational policies and legislation in China are also provided based on solid and systematic analysis.
Educational Policies and Legislation in China 作者简介
Dr. Xiaozhou Xu is a professor of Comparative Education and Dean of the College of Education at Zhejiang University, China. He is also Director of National Centre for Curriculum of Basic Education, and Co-director of Seeco Educational Research Centre at Zhejiang University. His current researches mainly focus on educational policy, comparative education, higher education, educational innovation and entrepreneurship education. Dr. Weihui Mei is a lecturer at the College of Education at Zhejiang University.
社会科学 教育 中国教育
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