学习如何学习作者:(新加坡)吴松发著 开 本:22cm 书号ISBN:9787545911411 定价:32.0 出版时间:2016-06-01 出版社:鹭江出版社 |
学习如何学习 本书特色
本书是关于老师和成人学习观察者对于“学习如何学习”这一命题的思想和实践记录。 这是一本成人教育艺术见解的个人集锦,这些见解来自于一个在中国工作二十多年的外国人的视角。 写这本书的目的不是想教一种技能,而是去记录老师和成人学习观察者的一段个人旅程。在这旅程之中,寓教于乐,教学合一,阐释教与学的黄金理念和法则。
学习如何学习 内容简介
什么是“学习时刻”? 成人学习的时间、地点和时节是怎样呢? 本书抛开程式化的无趣说教, 着力破解教与学的密码。
学习如何学习 目录
目录(中文) 散步 / 002我发现散步是一个传授知识和经验的好时机。当然,环境必须非常自然,而一个有经验的老师也知道散步是学习的好机会。 提问 / 008一个问题,措辞和提问的时间都恰到好处,有时会比直接教授更有效。这符合以解决问题为导向的成人学习法则。 教一个人 / 014灵感启发、辅导和树立榜样,有目标又积极地做好这三件事,将是一对一教学成功的关键。 风格 / 020一个好老师可以逐渐形成自己的独特风格。如果你仍然在学习阶段,只需着装合适、潇洒些;如果你还不是一位好老师,你看着越特殊,在你的学生眼中你就越糟糕。 建立融洽的关系 / 030老师和学生在课上和课后继续保持联系会对学生产生影响,这种影响是课堂内容所不能及的。 故事 / 036故事可以激发兴趣,使一个概念很容易被记住。它创造了迫切期待的氛围,使老师和学生感觉合一。 学习的间歇 / 046在学习期间,一个人必须停顿一下才能思考。当我们停下来,我们的思考开始激荡,我们就开始在大脑中处理我们学到的信息,推断、总结并深刻理解。 地点 / 052学习的*佳场所可能并不是教室。每个人都可以是老师,也可以是学生,任何地方都可以学习和教学。 时间 / 060什么时候你睡得*香?什么时候你吃得*有滋味?什么时候你学习得*有效率?什么时候你的学生“完全准备好”学? 结课 / 066我喜欢用一个故事或者一些具有挑战的、难忘的事情去结束我的课程,以此来引发学生思考:“我必须做什么?” 停顿 / 072停顿可以让学生在恰当的时候思考,“学习时刻”就在此时发生,这是学习过程中*重要的部分。 目光接触 / 078当你向一个方向看,将目光集中在一个人身上,好像你跟他一对一讲话。这是目光接触*简单的方法。 切入点 / 084大多数时候,别人从你开口的前几分钟来判断是否值得继续听下去。 游戏和练习 / 090每一个老师都应该熟悉游戏和练习。游戏的频率取决于它如何更好地帮助学习。 dua / 096dua 代表:发现(discover)、理解(understand)和应用(application)。 知识 / 102大多数情况下,教知识就等于在浪费时间。我们应该授之以渔而非授之以鱼,否则,我们就是在纵容学生的懒惰。 技能 / 108在教技巧时有三个重点:首先,学生认识到自己有一个问题需要解决;其次,有一个激发学生学习兴趣的方法;第三,学生感觉“这对我很重要”。 习惯 / 116一个更高级的学习模式是使得学生确信他们应把学习当作一种习惯。 方法 / 120平庸的老师灌输,好的老师解释,优秀的老师演示,伟大的老师启发。 计划 / 124教学准备的一部分就是思考。思考教的对象、教的内容、希望学员学到什么,以及这些如何进行。 观察 / 130教学的目的在于令学生在工作中有意愿并且有能力表现出色。好老师必须是一个观察大师,他必须能够观察到别人无法觉察到的。 精通 / 136精通应该是学习的更高目标。 *好的 / 140在某一个领域中,与一个资深的行家一起工作,是*好的学习方法。 学习 / 152老师应该如何学习和成长?你的学习之旅规划好了吗?你是一个学习型老师吗? 徒弟 / 158作为老师,花时间和精力去教一个徒弟,是提高自身技能的*好训练之一。 学?还是教? / 164大多数时候,我们把重点放在如何教上,我认为,老师必须先理解学生是如何学的。 写作 / 170一个好老师必须是一个好作者。通过结合书面教学和口头教学,把学习带入更深的层次。 身体 / 176当老师身体健康,并且看起来有精神,学生会爱上学习。 书 / 180读一本你专业领域内好的老书,可以确保你得到一个权威而正确的理念。 课题 / 186完成课题是成人学习的好办法。可以是一人完成,也可以是一个团队一起完成。 措辞 / 192在你的教学中,用什么措辞可以促进学生的学习呢? 学习时刻 / 198突然明白的那一刻,就是学习时刻,或者当我们开始全神贯注于该课题时,这也是学习时刻。 天赋、激情、能力和时节 / 204在讨论学习和教学时,不可能脱离人的天赋、激情、能力和时节这些要素。 我的观察 / 216我观察教和学二十多年,有一些个人的见解,并从这段经历中学到一些东西。 结语 / 254解决正确的问题远比解决问题本身更重要。 content(英文) walk / 004i have found that arranging time to go for walks with people is a good time to impart lessons. but the setting must be very natural, and a skillful teacher knows that walking is a good learning situation. questions / 010phrased correctly, and asked at the right time, it is sometimes better than teaching. this is aligned to the fact that adults learn better when it is problem oriented. one / 016inspiration, counsel, and example, these three, intentionally pre-purposed and done well, will be the key to man-to-man training. style / 023inspiration, counsel, and example, these three, intentionally pre-purposed and done well, will be the key to man-to-man training. rapport / 032the rapport established in the class and continual rapport after class will influence the learner in a way the content of the class cannot. stories / 040stories create interest, and make a concept easy to remember. it creates an environment of fruitful anxiety and a sense of commonness amongst both teacher and learner. learning stoppers / 048one must stop to think when one is learning. when we stop, our thinking gets a jolt and we start to process what we are learning, we begin to conclude, crystallize, and to deeply understand. where / 055the best place for learning is probably not in the classroom. everyone is a teacher or a learner. everywhere is a place to learn and teach. when / 062when do you sleep best? when do you eat best? when do you learn best? when is your learner “most ready” to learn? close / 068i like to end with a story or with something really challenging and memorable. i like to make the learners think. i like to put them in a position when they are thinking, “what must i do?” pause / 074the pause allows the learners to think at the right moment. this is when the learning moment takes place. it is the most important part of learning. eye contact / 080when you are looking in one direction, focus on one person as though you are talking to him. that is the easiest way to develop eye contact. the entry / 086most of the time whether you are worth learning from can be decided from the first few minutes when you open your mouth. games and exercise / 092every trainer should be familiar with games and exercises. how often he uses it will depend on how well it helps the learner learn. dua / 098in our case dua stands for discover, understand, apply. knowledge / 104teaching knowledge is mostly a waste of time because we are replacing their laziness by carrying water from the well for him rather than telling him where the well is. skills / 111the key in teaching skills is in three areas, the learner’s realization of their own need to solve a problem, the method that excites the learner, and the reality that it is important to me. habit / 117one of the higher forms of learning is when students are so convinced of something they form it as a life habit. methods / 121the mediocre teacher tells. the good teacher explains. the superior teacher demonstrates. the great teacher inspires. plan / 126actually a part of preparation is thinking. just thinking about the learners, the content, what they should be learning, and how this is going to happen. observation / 132a learner’s ability and willingness to perform well on the job is what teaching is all about. the teacher must be a master at observation. he must be able to see what others cannot see. mastery / 137mastery should be the greater ambition of learning. the best / 144working together with a much more senior person in the same field is the best learning method. learn / 154how does a teacher learn and grow? is your learning journey well mapped out? are you a learning teacher? disciples / 160the time and effort a teacher takes to teach a disciple is probably one of the most useful practice a teacher can have to improve his skill as a teacher. learn? teach? / 166most times we start to focus on how we teach. i think we have to start with understanding how our learner learns. write / 172a good teacher must also be a good a writer. combining teaching through the written and spoken word engages brings learning to a deeper level. body / 177when a teacher is fit, and appears fit, the learner is attracted to learn. books / 182a good old book on the subject you are learning will ensure you have some authentic input on the subject. projects / 188projects are great ways for adults to learn. it can be a one-person project or in a team. phrases / 194what phrases can enhance the learner’s learning in your teaching? learning moment / 200it happens whenwe suddenly understand what it is. when our minds start to connect to the subject. it is at this time that the learning takes place in the mind of the student. talent, passion, capacity and seasons / 208it is not possible to discuss learning and teaching without mention of a human being’s talent, passion, capacity and seasons. my observations / 231i have observed teaching and learning over two decades and here are some personal observations and lessons i have learnt. epilogue / 256trying to solve the right problem may be more important than just trying to solve any problem.
成功/励志 智商/智谋 学习力/记忆力
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