人体肿瘤超微结构在其诊断及研究中的应用作者:茹永新 开 本:大大16 书号ISBN:9787308106269 定价:398.0 出版时间:2013-09-01 出版社:浙江大学出版社 |
6..6. 9 rosette—forming glioneuronal tumour ofthe iv ventricle
6.7 pinealparenchymatumours
6. 7. 1 pineocytoma
6. 7. 2 ppt ofintermediate difierentiation
6. 7. 3 pineoblastoma
6. 7. 4 papillarytumour ofthepinealregion
6.8 embryonaltumours
6. 8.1 medulloepithelioma
6. 8. 2 ependvmoblastoma
6. 8. 3 medulloblastoma
6.8. 4 atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumour
6. 8.5 melanotic neuroectodermal tumour ofinfancy
6. 9 meningioma and meningioangiomatosis
6. 10 intracranial germ tumours
6. 10. l germinomas
6.10.2 yolk sactumour
6.lo 3 embryonalcarcinoma
6. 10.4 choriocarcinoma
6. 11 craniopharyngioma
6. 12 paraganglioma
6. 13 cerebellar liponeurocytoma
7 tumours of the nenroendocrine system and the peripheral nervous system
7.l introductoryremarks
7. 2 the ultrastructure ofneuroendocrine tumours
7. 2.1 the archetypal neuroendocrine granule
7. 2. 2 vafimions in the structure ofneuroendocrine granules in different neuroendocfine
tumours.and additional ultrastructural features ofneuroendocrine tumours
7. 3 tumours ofthe peripheralnervous system
7.3.1 thenormalneuron
7. 3.2 extracranial tumours showing neuronal/glial/ganglionic differentiation
7. 3 3 thenormalnerve sheath
7.3 4 tumours ofthenerve sheath
7. 4 meningioma
8 miscellaneous tumours and tumour.like lesions
8. 1 introductory rema~s.
8.2 tumours ofthe male and female reproductive tracts
8.2.1 seminoma
8.2 2 embryonal carcinoma
8 2.3 endodermal sinus turnout(yolk sac tumour)
8.2 4 choriocarcinoma
8.2 5 tumours showing leydig—cell differentiation
8.2 6 tumours showing sertoli—cell differentiation
8.2.7 tumours showing granulosa.cell differentiation
8. 3 blastemaltumours
8. 3 1 wilms’tumour fnephroblastoma)
8.3 2 pulmonary and pleuropulmonary blastoma
8.3 3 hepatoblastoma
8.3 4 pancreatoblastoma
8.4 embryonal sarcoma ofliver
8. 5 juxtaglomerular cell tumour
8. 6 cardiacmyxoma.
8.7 pneumocytoma(sclerosing haemangioma of lungl)
8. 8 cellular neurothekeoma
8.9 amyloidoma
8 10 malakoplakia
8. 11 bacillary angiomatosis and mycobacterial spindle—cell pseudotumour
8.12 rosai—dorfman disease
医学 其他临床医学 肿瘤学
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