人体肿瘤超微结构在其诊断及研究中的应用作者:茹永新 开 本:大大16 书号ISBN:9787308106269 定价:398.0 出版时间:2013-09-01 出版社:浙江大学出版社 |
4 tumours ofsoft tissue and bone,and other mesenchymal tumours。
4.1 introductoryremarks
4.2 fibroblastic and myofibroblastic tumours
4.2.1 the normal fibroblast and the reactive myofibroblast
4.2.2 tumours and tumour.like lesions showing fibroblastic differentiation
4.2.3 mvofibroblastic differentiation in tumours and tumour-like lesions
4.3 fibrohistiocytictumours
4. 3. 1 giant—celltumours
4. 3.2 the benign fibrous histiocytomas
4.3.3 plexiform fibrohistiocytie tumour
4. 3.4 the so.called malignant fibrous histiocytomas
4. 3. 5 atypical fibroxanthoma
4.4 smooth—muscle tumours and peficytic tumours
4. 4. 1 thenormal smooth.musclecell
4.4.2 leiomyoma—glomustumour
4. 4. 3 myopericytoma/haemangiopericytoma
4.4 4 leiomyosarcoma
4. 5 tumours showing striated.muscle differentiation
4. 5.1 the normal striated—muscle cell
4. 5 2 rhabdomyoma
4. 5.3 rhabdomyosarcoma
4. 5. 4 rhabdomyoblasts in tumours other than rhabdomyoma and rhabdomy
4. 6 gastrointestinal stromaltumours
4. 6.1 theinterstitialcell ofcajal
4. 6. 2 theultrastructure ofgist
4. 7 vasculartumours
4. 7. l thenofmalvessel
4. 7. 2 bemgnvascularlesions
4. 7. 3 conventionalangiosarcoma
4. 7. 4 epithelioidangiosarcoma
4. 7.5 epithelioid haemangloendothelloma
4. 7.6 kaposi’s sarcoma
4. 8 adipocytictumours
4..8.1 thenormaladipocyte
4. 8 2 benignadipocytictumors
4. 8 3 liposarcoma
4 9 tumours showing cartilaginous,osteogenic and notochordal differentiation
4.9.1 normalcells ofcartilage andbone
4.9.2 benign chondroblastic lesions
4.9 3 chondrosarcoma and other cartilaginous tumours
4.9 4 notochordal tumours
4.9.5 osteosarcoma and other osteogenic tumours
4.10 tumours showing complex or uncertain differentiation
4.10 l ossifying fibromyxoid tumour
4.10 2 mixed tumour/myoepithelioma
4.10 3 synovial sarcoma
4.10 4 epithelioid sarcoma
4. 10.5 alveolar soft.part sarcoma
4. 10.6 desmoplastic small.round,cell tumour
4. lo 7 malignant rhabdoid tumour
5 lymphoma and leukaemia
5.1 introductoryremarks
5 2 normal (reactive) haematolymphoid cells.
5. 2.1 lymphocytes
5.2. 2 centroblasts and centrocytes
5. 2. 3 plasmacells
5. 2. 4 monocytes.macrophages,langerhans cells and multinucleated giant cells
5. 2. 5 mastcells
5.2.6 eosinodhils
5. 2.7 neutrophils
5. 2. 8 basophils
5. 2. 9 megakaryocytes andplatelets
5. 2. 10 erythroblasts f‘normoblasts’and‘normocytes’)
5.3 haematolymphoid neoplasia
5. 3. l myeloproliferative neoplasms
5. 3. 2 theacuteleukaemias,
5.3. 3 b,cellneoplasms
5.3. 4 t—cellneoplasms
5. 3. 5 hodgkinlymphoma
5.3. 6 tumours showing histiocytic differentiation—dendritic cell tumours
5. 3.7 reticulumcelltumours
6 tumours ofthe central nervous system
6.1 introductory remarks
6. 2 astrocytictumours
6. 21 astrocytoma
6. 2 2 glioblastoma
6.2.3 pilocytic astrocytoma.
6. 2 4 pilomyxoidastrocytoma
6. 2.5 pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
6. 2 6 monomorphousangiocentricglioma
6. 2 7 subependymal giant.cell astrocytoma oftuberous sclerosis
6. 3 oligogodendroglioma
6.4 ependymoma and subependymoma
6. 5 choroid plexus tumours.
6. 6 mixedneuronal andgilaltumours
6. 6. 1 gangliocytoma and ganglioglioma
6.6.2 desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma/desmoplastic cerebral
astrocytoma ofinfancy or desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma
6. 6. 3 angioganglioglioma
6. 6. 4 dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour
6. 6. 5 centralneurocytoma
6. 6.6 extraventricular neurocytoma
6. 6. 7 papillary glioneuronal tumour
6. 6. 8 glioneuronal tumour with neuropil.like islands/rosetted glioneuronal tumour
医学 其他临床医学 肿瘤学
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