人体肿瘤超微结构在其诊断及研究中的应用作者:茹永新 开 本:大大16 书号ISBN:9787308106269 定价:398.0 出版时间:2013-09-01 出版社:浙江大学出版社 |
人体肿瘤超微结构在其诊断及研究中的应用 本书特色
人体肿瘤超微结构在其诊断及研究中的应用 内容简介
人体肿瘤超微结构在其诊断及研究中的应用 目录
1 introduction1.1 introductoryremarks
1.2 electron microscopy applied to tumors
1.3 impactandlimitations ofimmunohistochemistry
1.4 value ofelectron microscopy in addition to diagnosis.
1.5 intellectual basis for tumour diagnosis by electron microscopy.
1.6 technique
1.6.1 tissue handling and reagent preparation
1.6.2 electron microscopy procedure
1.6.3 dewaxing for electron microscopy
1.7 assessingthequality ofpreservationin semi—thin sections
1.8 distinguishing reactive from neoplastic cells
l.8.l vessels
1.8 2 mv0fibroblasts
1.8.3 striatedmusclecells
2 epithelial tumours.
2.1 introductory remarks
2.2 the core features ofepithelial differentiation.
2.3 the keratinocyte as the archetypal cell for assessing basal.cell and squamous—cell
difierentiation 1n tumours
2.4 basal—cell and squamous.cell carcinoma
2.4.1 conventional basal—cell and squamous—cell ca~inoma
2.4.2 variants ofbasal.cell carcinoma
2.4 3 poorly differentiated squamous.cell ca~inoma,variants of squamous.cell carcinoma,
and related tumours showing squamous differentiation
2.5 ultrastructural features ofglandular d{fterentiation
2.5 1 ultrastructural architecture ofthe normal gland
2.5.2 secretory materials ofepithelial origin
2.6 thc ultrastructure ofadenocarcinoma
2.6.1 general ultrastructurai properties ofadenocarcinoma
2.6.2 additional features ofdiagnostic or biological interest in selected examples of
adenocarcinoma and carcinomas showing glandular epithelial difterentimion
2.7 tumours showing distinctive specialised forms ofepithelial differentiation
2 .7.1 mesothelioma
2.7.2 adrenocortical tumours
2.7.3 oncocytoma
2.7.4 myoepithelial cell differentiation in tumours
2.7.5 neuroendocrine differentiation in carcinoma
3 melanncytic lesions with special reference to malignant melanoma
3.1 introductory remarks
3.2 thenormalmelanocyte
3.3 theultrastructure ofmalignantmelanoma
3.3.1 themelanosome
3.3.2 ultrastmctural features ofmalignant melanoma in addition to melanosomes
3 3.3 the ultrastructure ofmalignant melanoma variants
3.3.4 tumours 0ther than malignant melanoma showing melanocytic differentiation
医学 其他临床医学 肿瘤学
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