
首页 > 图书 > 科技/2020-07-30 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]



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         activity 1.1--perform credit calculations
         activity 1.2--prepare energy simulation model
         activity 1.3--perform lighting analyses
         activity 1.4--perform ventilation and thermal comfort analyses
    sd leed phase
     step 2: research and identify green products
         activity 2.1 -- research and identify green products
    sd leed phase
     step 3: integrate green requirements into design
         activity 3.1 --prepare a cost-benefit analysis
       activity 3.2--organize an sd-phase leed coordination meeting
       activity 3.3--integrate leed credit requirements into drawings
    sd leed phase
       step 4: review schematic design drawings
       activity 4.1 --review sd drawings
       activity 4.2--provide review feedback
    design development (dd)
    leed phase
    dd leed phase
    step 5: update credit analyses and drawings
     activity 5.1--update credit analyses and drawings
     activity 5.2-- begin online documentation
    dd leed phase
   step 6: prepare for construction phase
     activity 6.1 --review budget to set targets for mr credits
     activity 6.2-- prepare green specifications
     activity 6.3--prepare leed construction reporting forms
   dd leed phase
   step 7: develop building management policies
     activity 7.1--develop management policies
     activity 7.2--identify innovation opportunities
    dd leed phase
   step 8: review design development drawings
     activity 8.1 --review dd drawings
     activity 8.2--conduct a dd phase leed coordination meeting
    construction documents (cd)
     leed phase
    cd leed phase
    step 9: prepare documentation for design credits
     activity 9.1 --update credit analyses, drawings, and
     activity 9.2--finalize innovation credits documentation
     activity 9.3--complete online credit forms
     activity 9.4--prepare exhibit drawings for submission
    cd leed phase
    step 10: submit to gbci for design review
     activity 10.1--review cd drawings and specifications
     activity 10.2--review leed online documentation
     activity 10.3--complete project information forms on leed online
     activity 10.4--submit credits for preliminary design phase review
     activity 10.5--respond to gbci's preliminary design review
     activity 10.6--accept or appeal final design review comments
chapter 5  stage iih construction phase implementation
    step 1 : organize a pre-construction leed kick-off meeting
          activity 1.1--establish meeting outline
          activity 1.2--facilitate kick-off meeting
    step 2: review progress of credit implementation
          activity 2.1--complete construction progress reporting forms
          activity 2.2--review progress reporting forms
          activity 2.3--organize progress review meetings
    step 3: prepare documents for gbci construction review
          activity 3.1 --complete construction credit documentation
          activity 3.2--update design credit documentation
     step 4: review final documents for gbci submission
          activity 4.1 --review documents and online credit forms
          activity 4.2--organize construction phase coordination meeting
     step 5: submit to gbci for construction review
          activity 5.1 --submit credits for preliminary construction review
          activity 5.2--respond to gbci's preliminary construction review

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