既有建筑的绿色改造-影印版作者:尤德尔森 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787560345024 定价:98.0 出版时间:2014-06-01 出版社:哈尔滨工业大学出版社 |
既有建筑的绿色改造-影印版 内容简介
尤德尔森编著的《既有建筑的绿色改造(影印版) 》特点在于给出了已验证的技术和施工方法,并且向业主和设备管理者展示了如何以一种经济的方法进行建筑绿色改造。内容包括:经济动因和市场动态;获得美国epa的能源星级评分;关于美国绿色建筑委员会的leed对现有建筑的评分系统;如何促进绿色建筑的商业效益;绿色改造的花费和合理设定项目预算;能源高效型建筑的改造;可持续场地管理和水资源节约方案更新;定制采购和废料管理政策;提升室内环境质量;管理既有建筑的leed评估:由始至终的建造维护认证项目。
既有建筑的绿色改造-影印版 目录
chapter 1 the sustainability revolution
the sustainability revolution
the global carbon problem
case study: upgrading and updating the empire state building
chapter 2 the challenge of greening existing buildings
growth of the leed rating system
drivers to growth of the existing buildings market
case study: greening the chicago merchandise mart
barriers to greening existing buildings
project profile: pepsico corporate plaza, chicago
first blue, then green
chapter 3 markets for greening existing buildings
commercial benefits of green buildings
market trends
marketing benefits of greening existing office buildings
greening the hotel industry
greening existing retail buildings
chapter 4 understanding green building rating systems
global warming and climate change concerns spur existing
building upgrades
the universe of green building rating and certification programs
the energy star label
boma canada best program
leed for existing buildings: operations and maintenance (leed-ebom)
rating systems in other countries
chapter 5 the business case for greening existing buildings
major commercial developers
benefits to government agency owners
the multifold dimensions of the business case
benefits directly to the building owner
benefits to both the building owners and tenants
branding and positioning a commercial property
benefits to future financial performance
barriers to realizing green building benefits
the business case for greening the retail sector
how to implement leed-ebom
chapter 6 costs of greening existing buildings
case study: university of california office of the president, oakland
cost drivers for greening existing buildings
project profile: 717 texas, houston
controlling costs in leed projects
project profile: cal poly faculty offices east, san luis obispo, california
summary of leed-eb project cost influences
green building cost studies
presenting costs and benefits: "payback" versus "return on investment"
chapter 7 meeting the energy retrofit challenge
leed-ebom energy and atmosphere credits
building commissioning
case study: caterpillar financial headquarters, nashville, tennessee
economic benefits of retrocommissioning
technical issues in retro-cx
energy-efficiency measures for existing buildings
the energy-efficiency market
importance of controlling lighting energy use
emerging energy retrofit technologies
case study: chicago transit authority (cta) headquarters, chicago
solar and renewable energy
chapter 8 greening site management and reducing
water use
reducing commuting by building occupants
reducing urban heat island effect with green and reflective roofs
green roofs
creating and maintaining green sites
water efficiency
leed credit requirements
metering and submetering
chapter 9 greening the inside of the building
建筑 建筑科学
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