
首页 > 图书 > 科技/2020-07-24 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:[美]哈特 等著,陆阳,杨丽敏 等改编

开 本:16开





8.9 cyclic ethers(环醚)
9 aldehydes and ketones(醛和酮)
9.1 nomenclature of aldehydes and ketones(醛和酮的命名)
9.2 some common aldehydes and ketones(常见的醛和酮)
9.3 synthesis of aldehydes and ketones(醛和酮的制备)
9.4 aldehydes and ketones in nature(天然醛酮)
9.5 the carbonyl group(羰基)
9.6 nucleophilic addition to carbonyl groups: an overview
9.7 addition of alcohols: formation of hemiacetals andacetals
9.8 addition of water; hydration of aldehydes and ketones
9.9 addition of grignard reagents and acetylides
9.10 addition of hydrogen cyanide; cyanohydrins
9.11 addition of nitrogen nucleophiles(与含氮亲核试剂加成)
9.12 reduction of carbonyl compounds(羰基化合物的还原)
9.13 oxidation of carbonyl compounds(羰基化合物的氧化)
9.14 keto–enol tautomerism(酮式-烯醇式互变异构)
9.15 acidity of a-hydrogens; the enolate anion
9.16 deuterium exchange in carbonyl compounds
9.17 halogenation(卤代反应)
9.18 the aldol condensation(醇醛缩合反应)
9.19 the mixed aldol condensation(混合醇醛缩合)
9.20 commercial syntheses via the aldol condensation
10 carboxylic acids and their derivatives
10.1 nomenclature of acids(羧酸的命名)
10.2 physical properties of acids(羧酸的物理性质)
10.3 acidity and acidity constants(酸性和酸度常数)
10.4 what makes carboxylic acids acidic?(羧酸的酸性基)
10.5 effect of structure on acidity; the inductive effectrevisited
10.6 conversion of acids to salts(成盐反应)
10.7 preparation of acids(羧酸的制备)
10.8 decarboxylation(脱羧反应)
10.9 carboxylic acid derivatives(羧酸衍生物)
10.10 esters(酯)
10.11 preparation of esters; fischer esterification
10.12 the mechanism of acid-catalyzed esterification; nucleophilicacyl substitution(酸催化酯化反应机制;酰基的亲核取代)
10.13 lactones(内酯)
10.14 saponification of esters(酯的皂化反应)
10.15 ammonolysis of esters(酯的氨解)
10.16 reaction of esters with grignard reagents
10.17 reduction of esters(酯的还原)
10.18 the need for activated acyl compounds
10.19 acyl halides(酰卤)
10.20 acid anhydrides(酸酐)
10.21 amides(酰胺)
10.22 a summary of carboxylic acid derivatives(羧酸衍生物小结)
10.23 the a-hydrogen of esters; the claisen condensation
11 amines and related nitrogen compounds(胺和相关含氮化合物)
11.1 classification and structure of amines(胺的结构和分类)
11.2 nomenclature of amines(胺的命名)
11.3 physical properties and intermolecular interactions ofamines
11.4 preparation of amines; alkylation of ammonia and amines
11.5 preparation of amines; reduction of nitrogen compounds
11.6 the basicity of amines(胺的碱性)
11.7 comparison of the basicity and acidity of amines andamides
11.8 reaction of amines with strong acids; amine salts
11.9 chiral amines as resolving agents(手性胺作为拆分试剂)
11.10 acylation of amines with acid derivatives
11.11 quaternary ammonium compounds(季铵化合物)
11.12 aromatic diazonium compounds(芳香重氮化合物)
11.13 diazo coupling; azo dyes(重氮偶联反应;偶氮染料)
12 spectroscopy and structure determination(波谱学和结构测定)
12.1 principles of spectroscopy(波谱学原理)
12.2 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
12.3 13c nmr spectroscopy(13c nmr谱)
12.4 infrared spectroscopy(红外光谱)
12.5 visible and ultraviolet spectroscopy(紫外-可见光谱)
12.6 mass spectrometry(质谱)
13 heterocyclic compounds(杂环化合物)
13.1 pyridine: bonding and basicity(吡啶:结构和碱性)
13.2 substitution in pyridine(吡啶的取代反应)
13.3 other six-membered heterocycles(其他六元杂环)
13.4 five-membered heterocycles: furan, pyrrole, andthiophene
13.5 electrophilic substitution in furan, pyrrole, andthiophene
13.6 other five-membered heterocycles: azoles
13.7 fused-ring five-membered heterocycles: indoles andpurines
14 synthetic polymers(合成高聚物)
14.1 classification of polymers(高聚物的分类)
14.2 free-radical chain-growth polymerization(自由基链增长聚合)
14.3 cationic chain-growth polymerization(阳离子链增长聚合)
14.4 anionic chain-growth polymerization(阴离子链增长聚合)

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自然科学 化学 有机化学
