
首页 > 图书 > 科技/2020-07-24 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:[美]哈特 等著,陆阳,杨丽敏 等改编

开 本:16开





3.7 polar addition reactions(极性加成反应)
3.8 addition of unsymmetric reagents to unsymmetric alkenes;markovnikov’s rule(不对称试剂与不对称烯烃的加成;马尔可夫尼可夫规则)
3.9 mechanism of electrophilic addition to alkenes(烯烃的亲电加成机制)
3.10 markovnikov’s rule explained(马尔可夫尼可夫规则的解释)
3.11 reaction equilibrium: what makes a reaction go?
3.12 reaction rates: how fast does a reactiongo?(反应速率:反应进行得有多快?)
3.13 hydroboration of alkenes(烯烃的硼氢化反应)
3.14 addition of hydrogen(加氢反应)
3.15 additions to conjugated systems(共轭烯烃的加成反应)
3.16 free-radical additions; polyethylene
3.17 oxidation of alkenes(烯烃的氧化)
3.18 some facts about triple bonds(叁键的特征)
3.19 the orbital model of a triple bond(叁键的轨道模型)
3.20 addition reactions of alkynes(炔烃的加成反应)
3.21 acidity of alkynes(炔烃的酸性)

4 aromatic compounds(芳香化合物)
4.1 some facts about benzene(有关苯的实验事实)
4.2 the kekulé structure of benzene(苯的凯库勒结构式)
4.3 resonance model for benzene(苯的共振结构模型)
4.4 orbital model for benzene(苯的轨道模型)
4.5 symbols for benzene(苯的结构表达式)
4.6 nomenclature of aromatic compounds(芳香族化合物的命名)
4.7 the resonance energy of benzene(苯的共振能)
4.8 electrophilic aromatic substitution(芳香亲电取代反应)
4.9 the mechanism of electrophilic aromaticsubstitution(芳香亲电取代反应的机制)
4.10 ring-activating and ring-deactivating substituents
4.11 ortho,para-directing and meta-directing groups
4.12 the importance of directing effects in synthesis
4.13 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(多环芳香烃)
5 stereoisomerism(立体异构)
5.1 chirality and enantiomers(手性和对映异构体)
5.2 stereogenic centers; the stereogenic carbon atom
5.3 configuration and the r-s convention(r-s 构型)
5.4 polarized light and optical activity(偏振光和光学活性)
5.5 properties of enantiomers(对映异构体的性质)
5.6 fischer projection formulas(费歇尔投影式)
5.7 compounds with more than one stereogenic center;diastereomers(具有多个手性中心的化合物;非对映异构体)
5.8 meso compounds; the stereoisomers of tartaricacid(内消旋化合物;酒石酸的立体异构体)
5.9 stereochemistry: a recap of definitions(立体化学:定义概述)
5.10 stereochemistry and chemical reactions
5.11 resolution of a racemic mixture(外消旋体的拆分)
6 organic halogen compounds; substitution and eliminationreactions(含卤有机化合物;取代反应和消除反应)
6.1 nucleophilic substitution(亲核取代反应)
6.2 examples of nucleophilic substitutions(亲核取代反应实例)
6.3 nucleophilic substitution mechanisms(亲核取代反应机制)
6.4 the sn2 mechanism(双分子亲核取代机制)
6.5 the sn1 mechanism(单分子亲核取代机制)
6.6 the sn1 and sn2 mechanisms compared(sn1和sn2反应
6.7 dehydrohalogenation, an elimination reaction; the e2 and e1mechanisms(脱卤化氢,消除反应;双分子消除和单分子消除机制)
6.8 substitution and elimination in competition(取代反应和消除
6.9 polyhalogenated aliphatic compounds(多卤代脂肪烃)
7 alcohols, phenols, and thiols(醇,酚和硫醇)
7.1 nomenclature of alcohols(醇的命名)
7.2 classification of alcohols(醇的分类)
7.3 nomenclature of phenols(酚的命名)
7.4 hydrogen bonding in alcohols and phenols
7.5 acidity and basicity reviewed(酸性和碱性)
7.6 the acidity of alcohols and phenols(醇和酚的酸性)
7.7 the basicity of alcohols and phenols(醇和酚的碱性)
7.8 dehydration of alcohols to alkenes
7.9 the reaction of alcohols with hydrogen halides
7.10 other ways to prepare alkyl halides from alcohols
7.11 a comparison of alcohols and phenols(醇和酚的比较)
7.12 oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylicacids(醇的氧化反应——生成醛,酮和羧酸)
7.13 alcohols with more than one hydroxyl group(多元醇)
7.14 aromatic substitution in phenols(酚的芳香取代反应)
7.15 oxidation of phenols(酚的氧化反应)
7.16 phenols as antioxidants(酚类抗氧化剂)
7.17 tests for phenols(酚的鉴别)
7.18 thiols, the sulfur analogs of alcohols and phenols
8 ethers and epoxides(醚和环氧化合物)
8.1 nomenclature of ethers(醚的命名)
8.2 physical properties of ethers(醚的物理性质)
8.3 ethers as solvents(醚作溶剂)
8.4 the grignard reagent; an organometalliccompound(格利雅试剂;一种有机金属化合物)
8.5 preparation of ethers(醚的制备)
8.6 cleavage of ethers(醚的裂解)
8.7 epoxides (oxiranes)[环氧化物(环氧乙烷)]
8.8 reactions of epoxides(环氧化物的反应)

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自然科学 化学 有机化学
