小企业管理与企业家精神精要-第5版作者:(美)齐默尔(Zimmerer.T.W.)著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787301151778 定价:68.0 出版时间:2009-07-01 出版社:北京大学出版社 |
Independent lifestyle. Entrepreneurship fits the way Americans want to live——-independent and self-sustaining. People want the freedom to choose where they live, the hours they work, and what they do. Although financial security remains an important goal for most entrepreneurs, many place top priority on lifestyle issues such as more time with family and friends, more leisure time, and more control over work-related stress. e-Commerce and the World Wide Web. The proliferation of the World Wide Web, the vast network that links computers around the globe via the Internet and opens up oceans of information to its users, has spawned thousands of entrepreneurial ventures since its beginning in 1993. Online commerce is growing rapidly (see Figure 1.4), creating many opportunities for Web-savvy entrepreneurs. Travel services, computer hardware and software, books, music, videos, and consumer electronics are among the best-selling items on the Web, but entrepreneurs are learning that they can use this powerful tool to sell just about anything! Approximately 57 percent of small businesses use the Internet for business-related purposes, a
小企业管理与企业家精神精要-第5版 作者简介
Thomas W.Zimmerer 美国St.Leo大学商学院院长 Norman M.Scarborough 美国Presbyterian学院经济与商务管理系信息科学William Henry Scott IIl副教授。
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