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小企业管理与企业家精神精要-第5版 本书特色


小企业管理与企业家精神精要-第5版 内容简介

  适用性:本书适合用做mba的“小企业管理”、 “企业家精神”、 “创业管理”及其他相关课程的教材。也适合一切希望自己创业或了解小企业管理的人士。

小企业管理与企业家精神精要-第5版 目录

section i the challenge of entrepreneurship
 chapter i the foundations of entrepreneurship
 chapter 2 inside the entrepreneurial mind: from ideas to reality
section ii building the business plan: beginning considerations
 chapter 3 designing a competitive business model and building a solid strategic plan
 chapter 4 conducting a feasibility analysis and crafting a winning business plan
 chapter 5 forms of business ownership
 chapter 6 franchising and the entrepreneur
 chapter 7 buying an existing business
section iii building the business plan: marketing and financial considerations
 chapter 8 building a powerful marketing plan
 chapter 9 e-commerce and the entrepreneur
 chapter 10 pricing strategies
 chapter 11 creating a successful financial plan
 chapter 12 managing cash flow
section iv putting the business plan to work: sources of funds
 chapter 13 sources of financing: debt and equity
 chapter 14 choosing the right location and layout
 chapter 15 global aspects of en~repreneurship
 chapter 16 building a new venture team and planning for the next generation

小企业管理与企业家精神精要-第5版 节选


小企业管理与企业家精神精要-第5版 相关资料


Technological advances. With the help of modem business machines such as personal computers, laptop computers, fax machines, copiers, color printers, answering machines, and voice mail, even one person working at home can look like a big business. At one time, the high cost of such technological wizardry made it impossible for small businesses to compete with larger companies that could afford the hardware. Today, however, powerful computers and communication equipment are priced within the budgets of even the smallest businesses. Although entrepreneurs may not be able to manufacture heavy equipment in their spare bedrooms, they can run a service or information-based company from their homes very effectively and look like any Fortune 500 company to customers and clients.

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管理 MBA MBA教材
