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中级会计:管理决策与财务会计报告(第2版)(英文改编版) 本书特色


中级会计:管理决策与财务会计报告(第2版)(英文改编版) 内容简介


中级会计:管理决策与财务会计报告(第2版)(英文改编版) 目录

**部分 从决策到财务报表——基本概念回顾
 第1章 管理决策与财务报表
第二部分 财务报表如何反映融资决策
 第2章 融资决策(导论与权益融资决策)
 第3章 融资决策——债务
 第4章 融资决策——租赁
 第5章 融资决策——回购股份与债务
第三部分 财务报表如何反映投资决策
 第6章 投资决策——生产性资产投资
 第7章 投资决策——投资于其他公司的债务
 第8章 投资决策——投资于其他公司的权益性证券
第四部分 财务报表如何反映经营决策
 第9章 销售活动的准备一一建立存货和确定信用政策
 第10章 经营活动——收入与费用的确认
 第11章 税收

中级会计:管理决策与财务会计报告(第2版)(英文改编版) 节选


中级会计:管理决策与财务会计报告(第2版)(英文改编版) 相关资料

插图:Lessee controls the asset. If the lessee has control for most of the as set's life, then capital lease treatment is appropriate. If the lessee has control for only as mall part of the asset's life, then operating lease treatment is appropriate. In order to standardize the classification of leases, the FASB provides a practical cut off of 75% of economic useful life to represent the point on the continuum where operating leases are distinguished from capital leases. If the lease term is greater than or equal to 75% of the asset's economic useful life, then the lessee is deemed to have acquired a sufficiently large portion of risks and rewards, and he lease is classified as a capital lease.One of the difficult issues in this area is the definition of the lease term. Several stand ards, technical bulletins, and interpretations have addressed this issue. The underlying theme is determining the probable length of time that the lessee will control the asset. For example, if the lessee has the option to renew the lease at a bargain option price, then we would expect the lessee to do so, and the lease term would include the covered renewal option periods. Also, if the lessee could cancel the lease at any time, but only by paying an extreme penalty, we would not expect the lessee to cancel the lease, and the lease, therefore, would last its full term. GAAP lists five situations in which it should be assumed that the lease will be extended beyond any mini mum, non cancelable lease term because of specific renewal option clauses: (1)renewal option periods where the renewal option price is considered to be a bargain;(2) renewal option periods prior to a bargain purchase option date; (3) renewal periods where the less or has the option to force renewal; (4) renewal option periods after the date of a termination penalty option that is considered so large that it is unlikely that the lessee will pay the termination penalty; and (5) renewal option periods where the lessee is guaranteeing the less or's debt used to finance the leased asset.4Present Value of Minimum Lease Payments——90% Test Probably the best measure of the portion of the asset's risks and benefits transferred under the lease agreement is the present value of the consideration provided by the lessee over the life of the lease relative to the fair value of the asset at the time the asset is leased. If the lessee is acquiring a major portion of risks and rewards, then we would expect the present value of the lease payments to be a major portion of the fair market value of the asset. In search of a practical, standardized measure of major portion, the FASB settled on 90% of the asset's fair market value as the point at which the lessee is deemed to have acquired the risk and rewards of the asset. If the present value of minimum lease payments is greater than or equal to90% of the estimated fair market value of the leased asset, then it is capitalized. Two important technical issues in applying this rule are the definition of minimum lease payments and the interest rate used in discounting. Minimum lease payments are those an sfers of assets from the lessee to less or that are probable. Minimum lease payments include the more obvious asset transfers such as periodic cash rental payments; they also include less obvious asset transfers such as a bargain purchase option price, bargain renewal option amounts, cancellation fees (if we expect the lessee to cancel the lease at some time and pay any stipulated cancellation fees), and any guarantees by the lessee to the less or of residual value at the end of the lease.

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