E-Commerce Strategy-电子商务战略

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E-Commerce Strategy-电子商务战略

E-Commerce Strategy-电子商务战略


开 本:小16开





2.8 ireland
2.8.1 introduction to ireland
2.8.2 e-commerce strategic background
2.8.3 e-commerce strategic orientation
2.8.4 e-commerce strategy in ireland
2.8.5 implementation achievement of e-commerce strategy
2.9 singapore
2.9.1 overview of singapore
2.9.2 strategic background
2.9.3 strategic orientation
2.9.4 detailed e-commerce strategy
2.9.5 implementation achievement of the strategy
2.10 republic of korea
2.10.1 basic conditions
2.10.2 background to rok's e-commerce strategy
2.10.3 orientation 0f rok's e-commerce strategy
2.10.4 rok's e-commerce strategy
2.10.5 measures
2.10.6 current situation and prospects
2.11 features of each nation
2.11.1 common features
2.11.2 national strategic personalities
3 e-commercestrategy of industries
3.1 construction industry
3.1.1 overview of the construction industry
3.1.2 advantages of e-commerce in the construction industry
3.1.3 implementations ofe-commerce in u s.construction industry
3.1.4 construction industry in china needs e-commerce
3.2 transportation industry
3.2.1 impacts of e-commerce on transportation
3.2.2 emergence and development of transportation e-commerce
3.2.3 china:the development of transportation infcirmatization
3.2.4 prospects for the transport industry
3.3 financial sector
3.3.1 financial industry
3.3.2 impact of e-commercein the financial industry
3.3.3 finance services in e-conllrlerce
3.3.4 e-commerce applicationin the financial industryin china
3.4 manufacturing
3.4.1 manufacturing industry and ecommerce
3.4.2 necessity of adopting e-commerce in the manufacturing
industryin china
3.4.3 e-commerce strategy of china's manufacturing industry
3.4.4 snapshot and foresiight of e-commerce in china's
manufacturing industry
3.4.5 a technical perspective:e-commerce solution for
manufacturing industry
3.5 textiles nd apparel
3.5.1 textiles in china
3.5.2 e-commercein textiles
3.5.3 current situation of china's textile e-commerce
3.5.4 e-commerce strategy in china's textile industry
3.6 telecommunications industry
3.6.1 releeommunicatious industry in china
3.6.2 e commerce:the driving force ofchina's
telecommunications industry。
3.6.3 e-commerce stralegy of china's telecommunications industry
3.6.4 e-commerce practicein china telecom
3.7 comparisons
4 e-commerce strategy in enterprises
4.1 ibm:are you ready for e-commerce?
4.1.1 history of ibm
4.1.2 background of ibm's e-commerce strategy
4.1.3 contents of ibm's e-commerce strategy
4.1.4 measttres
4.1.5 strategic positioning and implementation
4.2 ge:revolution in traditionai industry
4.2.1 ge:the giantln traditional industry
4.2.2 background of ge's e-commerce strategy
4.2.3 ge'se-commerce strategy
4.2.4 implementation of ge'se-commerce strategy
4.2.5 benefits to ge'se-commerce strategy
4.3 googlism
4.3.1 google:arising starin the intemet age
4.3.2 e-commerce strategy o fgoogle
4.3.3 technologies behind google's great results
4.3.4 google's achievements
4.3.5 effecta on people's daily life
4.4 haier's legend
4.4.1 introduction to haier
4.4.2 haier's development phases
4.4.3 contents 0f haier's e-commerce strategy
4.4.4 efiects 0f haier's e-commerce strategy
4.5 taobao:the largest online trading platfornl in asia
4.5.1 what is taobao?
4.5.2 background of taobao's establishment and development
4.5.3 taobao's e-commerce strategy
4.5.4 eliects 0ftaobao's e-commerce strategy
4.6 growth of industrial and commercial bank o fchina
4.6.1 basic condition of icbc
4.6.2 e-commerce development background 0f icbc
4.6.3 e-commcrce strategy and implementation
4.6.4 benefits 0f icbc e-commerce strategy
4.7 rise of lcnovo
4.7.1 introduction to lenovo
4.7.2 e-commcrce history of lenovo
4.7.3 strategic background
4.7.4 details of lenovo's e-commerce strategy
4.7.5 what lenovo gets
4.8 conclusions
5 e-commerce strategies in specific strategic environments
5.1 how to fight against financial crises
5.1.1 financial crisis
5.1.2 impact of financial crisis on b2c e-commerce in u.s.
5.1.3 opportunities brought about by the financial crisis to
china's e-commerce
5.1.4 china's b2b websites in the financial crisis

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