E-Commerce Strategy-电子商务战略

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E-Commerce Strategy-电子商务战略

E-Commerce Strategy-电子商务战略


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E-Commerce Strategy-电子商务战略 本书特色

本书从国家、行业、企业三个层次对电子商务战略进行对比与分析,帮助读者建立对电子商务战略的基本认识,提升读者对电子商务战略关键问题的分析和理解能力。在阐述战略理论的基础上,结合大量实例和数据,揭示电子商务战略的发展与变化规律,以建立一套完备的电子商务战略理论体系,为电子商务战略研究者和制定者提供前瞻性的指导。 本书首次从国家、行业、企业三个层次全面分析电子商务战略。立足实例,运用比较学方法,结合传统战略理论研究当今世界电子商务战略。重点介绍了中国战略现状,为世界各国研究中国经济发展提供参考和帮助。

E-Commerce Strategy-电子商务战略 内容简介


E-Commerce Strategy-电子商务战略 目录

1 e-commerce and e-commerce strategy
1.1 fundamentals of e-commerce
1.1.1 definition of e-commerce
1.1.2 origin and development of e-commerce
1.1.3 research contents of e-commerce
1.2 strategy
1.2.1 definition of strategy
1.2.2 main features of strategy
1.3 strategic environment
1.3.1 significance of the strategic environment
1.3.2 strategic environment and strategy
1.4 e-commerce strategy
1.4.1 e-commerce strategy outline
1.4.2 research methods for e-commerce
2 national e-commerce strategy
2.1 the united states
2.1.1 economic conditions
2.1.2 background to u.s e-commerce strategy
2.1.3 orientation of u.s.e-commerce strategy
2.1.4 contents 0f u s.e-commerce strategy
2.1.5 effectsofu s.e-commerce strategy
2.2 europeanunion
2.2.1 eu basic conditions
2.2.2 background to eu e-commerce strategy
2.2.3 odentation of eu e-commerce strategy
2.2.4 contents of eu e-commerce strategy
2.2.5 intemet use and e-commerce in the eu
2.3 japan
2.3.1 introduction to japan
2.3.2 japan's information industry strategy
2.3.3 background to the japanese e-commerce strategy
2.3.4 strategic orientation of japanese e-commerce
2.3.5 contents of japanese e-commerce strategy
2.3.6 strategic efroits
2.4 china
2.4.1 basie situation of china
2.4.2 background to chinese e-commerce strategy
2.4.3 orientation 0fchinese e-commerce strategy
2.4.4 details 0f chinesee-commerce strategy
2.4.5 effect of chinese e-commerce strategy
2.5 australia
2.5.1 basic condition of australia
2.5.2 e-commerce background of australia
2.5.3 orientation 0f australian e-commeree strategy
2.5.4 contents of australian e-commerce strategy
2.5.5 effects of australian e-commerce strategy
2.6 the united arab emirates
2.6.1 introduction to the united arab emirates
2.6.2 strategic background 0f e-commerce
2.6.3 e-commerce strategic orientation 0f the uae
2.6.4 e-commerce strategyintheuae
2.6.5 implementations
2.7 india
2.7.1 overviewoflndia
2.7.2 background to indian e-commerce strategy
2.7.3 orientation 0f e-commeree strategy in india
2.7.4 details about india's e-commerce strategy
2.7.5 implementation of e-commerce strategy

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管理 电子商务


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