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readings and self-testing
unit sixteen
thinking starters
text a: the genes that jump
text b: understanding eskimo science
reading skills: understanding text structure and organization (11)
readings and self-testing

泛读(第二册)(超越概念——高等院校英语专业系列教材) 节选


泛读(第二册)(超越概念——高等院校英语专业系列教材) 相关资料

插图:And yes, there are also porn-oriented services, where people share dirty pictures andcommunicate with one another about all kinds of practices, often anonymously. Whether theseservice encourage the fantasies they depict is subject to debate——the same debate that has ragedabout pornography in other media. But the point is that no one is forcing this stuff on anybody. What's unique about cyberspace is that it liberates us from the tyranny of government,where everyone lives by the rule of the majority. In a democracy, minority groups and minoritypreferences tend to get squeezed out, whether they are minorities of race and culture orminorities of individual taste. Cyberspace allows communities of any size and kind to flourish; incyberspace, communities are chosen by the users, not forced on them by accidents of geography.This freedom gives the rules that preside in cyberspace a moral authority that rules in terrestrialenvironments don't have. Most people are stuck in the country of their birth, but if you don't likethe rules of a cyberspace community you can just sign off. Love it or leave it. Likewise, if parentsdon't like the rules of a given cyberspace community, they can restrict their children's access to it. What's likely to happen in cyberspace is the formation of new communities, free of theconstraints that cause conflict on earth. Instead of a global village, which is a nice dream butimpossible to manage, we'll have invented another world of self-contained communities thatcater to their own members' inclinations without interfering with anyone else's. The possibilityof a real market-style evolution of governance is at hand. In cyberspace, we'll be able to test andevolve rules governing what needs to be governed——intellectual property, content and accesscontrol, rules about privacy and free speech. Some communities will allow anyone in; others willrestrict access to members who qualify on one basis or another. Those communities that proveself-sustaining will prosper (and perhaps grow and split into subsets with ever-more-particularinterests and identities). Those that can't survive——either because people lose interest or getscared off——will simply wither away.

泛读(第二册)(超越概念——高等院校英语专业系列教材) 作者简介

编者:孙卫平 郭庆民 毕玉玲 等 丛书主编:何其莘 (美国)杨孝明何其莘,博士,北京外国语大学教授,博士生导师。1994年-2005年任北外副校长,现为中国人民大学外国语学院院长、清华大学双聘教授、广东外语外贸大学等29所院校的客座教授、教育部高校英语专业教学指导委员会主任、全国翻译硕士专业学位教育指导委员会副主任、全国英国文学学会会长、全国有突出贡献的中青年专家。杨孝明,博士,教授。毕业于西安外国语大学,后获英国诺丁汉大学英语硕士学位、美国鲍陵格林州立大学英语博士学位。在俄亥俄州鲍陵格林大学和新泽西州海洋郡学院任教二十余年,教授英文写作、英美文学和语言学等课程,现为新泽西州海洋郡学院英语系终身教授。


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