新思路大学英语 基础教程 第二册(附赠光盘)

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新思路大学英语 基础教程 第二册(附赠光盘)

新思路大学英语 基础教程 第二册(附赠光盘)


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新思路大学英语 基础教程 第二册(附赠光盘) 本书特色


新思路大学英语 基础教程 第二册(附赠光盘) 目录

Unit 1 Food and RestaurantUnit 2 ShoppingUnit 3 TravelUnit 4 Holidays and CelebrationsUnit 5 Weather and WorldUnit 6 Animals and PlantsUnit 7 Computer and InternetUnit 8 Man and ScienceGlossary

新思路大学英语 基础教程 第二册(附赠光盘) 节选


新思路大学英语 基础教程 第二册(附赠光盘) 相关资料

That's when I began to realize the importance of women's empowerment. It isn'tonly about the girls and the women who are barred from realizing their potential: It'salso about their children, their families, and their communities. That's why it's soimportant that we make investments like the one that Andrea and Secretary Clintonhave announced today, and that's why we also need to support the passage of theInternational Violence Against Women Act.As I look around this room today, I see policymakers, activists and communityleaders, people who have dedicated themselves to making a difference. But I also seemothers and fathers, sisters and daughters, who know the impact that they can make intheir own families and communities.And that's what gives me such hope that we can change things in our time forwomen everywhere. You understand the impact of speaking up and speaking out inorder to create this imperative change in the world.I am lucky enough to have a litde daughter of my own, and I feel so very inspired tobe here today, surrounded by people who work tirelessly to change the way women aretreated all over the world. Because of your hard work, your support and your endlessfaith in the potential of women, I know you will make this world a better place for mydaughter and for all of yours as well.

新思路大学英语 基础教程 第二册(附赠光盘)

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