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we observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom—symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning—signifying renewal, as well as change 我们今天庆祝的并不是一次政党的胜利,而是一次自由的庆典;它象征着结束,也象征着开始;意味着更新,也意味着变革。
09 the real heroes
真正的英雄——罗纳德 威尔逊 里根
we’ll continue our quest in space there will be more shuttle fights and more shuttle crews and, yes, more volunteers, more civilians, more teachers in space nothing ends here; our hopes and our journeys continue 我们将继续探索太空。我们将有更多次航天飞行,有更多宇航员,更多志愿者,更多平民,更多教师进入太空。一切都不会到此为止,我们的希望和我们的旅程仍将继续。
10 i have a dream
我有一个梦想——马丁 路德 金
let us not wallow in the valley of despair, i say to you today, my friends and so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, i still have a dream it is a dream deeply rooted in the american dream 朋友们,今天我要对你们说,千万不要沉沦在绝望的深谷里。尽管眼下困难重重,但我依然怀有一个梦想。这个梦想深深根植于美国梦之中。
11 we were not going to be forgotten
the french say that to part is to die a little to be forgotten too is to die a little it is to lose some of the links that anchor us to the rest of humanity 法国人说,离别,就是一部分的死亡。其实遗忘也是一部分的死亡。遗忘削弱了把我们凝聚成人类的纽带。
12 i quit, but i will continue the fight
我放弃了,但我会继续战斗——希拉里 克林顿 
on the day we live in an america where no child, no man, and no woman is without health insurance, we will live in a stronger america that’s why we need to help elect barack obama our president 当我们有朝一日居住在一个让每个孩子、每个男人、每个女人都享有医疗保障的美国时,我们便拥有了一个更强大的美国。这就是为什么我们要帮助巴拉克 奥巴马竞选总统职位。
13 let’s elect barack obama president of usa
让我们选举巴拉克 奥巴马为美利坚合众国总统——米歇尔 奥巴马
he knows that thread that connects us: our belief in america’s promise, our commitment to our children’s future—he knows that that thread is strong enough to hold us together as one nation even when we disagree 他知道联系我们的纽带是什么,那是我们对美国的信任,是我们对孩子未来的承诺——他知道这些纽带有足够强大的力量把我们作为一个完整的国家团结在一起,即使我们意见不一致。
14 we see genius in the craziness
在疯狂中我们看到了天才——史蒂夫 乔布斯
we have to let go of this notion that for apple to win microsoft has to lose we have to embrace the notion that for apple to win, apple has to do a really good job and if others are going to help us, that’s great because we need all the help we can get and if we screw up or we don’t do a good job, it’s not somebody else’s fault it’s our fault 我们必须怀揣着让苹果重新获胜这一信念,苹果必须去做到极致。如果其他人也愿意帮助我们,那就太棒了,因为我们需要一切我们能获得的帮助。但如果是我们自己搞砸了,自己的工作没有做好,那么那不是任何人的错,而是我们自己的错。
15 unleashing your creativity
释放你的创造力——比尔 盖茨
and i believe that through our natural inventiveness, creativity and willingness to solve tough problems, we’re going to make some amazing achievements in all these areas in my lifetime 我相信,凭借人类与生俱来的发明创造能力和不畏艰难、坚韧不拔的品格,在我的有生之年里我们将在所有这些领域都创造出可喜的成就。
16 the spirit of man
人类的精神——威廉 福克纳
i believe that man will not merely endure; he will prevail he is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacri_ce and endurance 我相信人类不仅能传宗接代,而且能战胜一切而永存。人之不朽不是因为在动物中唯独他永远能发言,而是因为他有灵魂、有同情心、牺牲和忍耐精神。
17 tribute to diana
致戴安娜——查尔斯 斯宾塞
diana was the very essence of compassion, of duty, of style, of beauty all over the world she was a symbol of selfless humanity, a standard bearer for the rights of the truly downtrodden, a very british girl who transcend nationality, someone with a natural nobility who was classless 在全世界,戴安娜是同情心、责任心、风度和美丽的化身,是无私和人道的象征,是维护真正被践踏的权益的旗手,是一个超越国界的英国女孩,是一个带有自然的高贵气质的人,是一个不分阶层的人。
18 a whisper of aids
低语艾滋——玛丽 费希尔
i would never have asked to be hiv-positive but i believe that in all things there is a purpose, and i stand before you, and before the nation, gladly 我从来没有主动要求做一个艾滋病病毒的携带者。但是我相信,凡事都是有目的的。于是,我就站在众人的面前,
19 failure is an option, but fear is not
失败是一个选项,但畏惧不是——詹姆斯 卡梅隆
so, that’s the thought i would leave you with, is that in whatever you’re doing, failure is an option, but fear is not 所以,这是我想给你的想法,不管你做什么,失败是一个选项,但畏惧不是。

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