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乐海逐梦-经典音乐欣赏双语阅读 本书特色


乐海逐梦-经典音乐欣赏双语阅读 内容简介


乐海逐梦-经典音乐欣赏双语阅读 目录

Chapter 1 Hi, Brief History of Music **章 音科史话——西方音乐史上的重要阶段 Music and Musical Thoughts of Ancient Greece 古希腊的音乐与音乐思想 Musical Thoughts of Ancient Greece 古希腊的音乐“神”论 Music During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Period 中世纪与文艺复兴时期的音乐交融 The Emergence of “Art Nouveau” and Mass “新艺术”与弥撒 Medieval Secular Music 中世纪的世俗之乐 The Maturity of Music in the Renaissance 文艺复兴音乐的成熟 The Foresight of Modern Music 新时代音乐的预兆 What Is Baroque Music? 什么是巴洛克音乐? What Is Classical Music? 什么是古典派音乐? Romantic School and Romantic Music 浪漫派与浪漫派音乐 Chapter 2 Look, Music Around the World 第二章 全球剪韵——世界音乐掠影 Source of European Art Music—Gregorian Chant 欧洲音乐艺术的源泉——格里高利圣咏 Beginning of Multi-voice Polyphony 多声部复调音乐的开始 Opera Spread to Europe 蔓延至欧洲各地的歌剧 Baroque Music in Vienna 维也纳的巴洛克音乐 Baroque Church Music of Protestants 新教徒的巴洛克教会音乐 The Competition Between Neo-classical Music and Classical Music “新古典主义”音乐和古典主义音乐的博弈 Who Made the Holy Flame of Russian Music? 是谁点燃了俄罗斯音乐圣火? Spirituals, Blues, Ragtime and Jazz 灵歌、蓝调、雷格泰姆与爵士乐 Son—the Unique Style of Latin Music 颂乐——拉美音乐的独特风情 Chapter 3 How, Lives and Music 第三章 音源初探——那些产生音乐的秘密 How to Represent Music Before the Invention of Stave? 五线谱发明之前是如何记谱的? How to Make Notation on a Stave? 如何在五线谱上记谱? Musical Tones, Musical Alphabets and Solfège 乐音、音名与唱名 Church Modes 教会调式 Musical Intervals 音程 Triad 三和弦 Musical Scales & Modes 音阶与调式 Cadence 终止式 Chapter 4 Thanks, Very Important People of Music 第四章 音乐巨匠——那些推动音乐发展的人 Musical Masters in the Renaissance “文艺复兴”中的音乐巨匠 Vivaldi and His Widely Popular Four Seasons 维瓦尔第与人气爆棚的《四季》 Handel and his “Magic Opera” 亨德尔与他的“神剧” Bach—the Father of Music and the “Sea” 巴赫——音乐之父和“大海” Haydn—More Than Just the Father of Symphony 海顿——不只是交响乐之父 Mozart—the Prodigy and His Unfinished Requiem 莫扎特——少年天才与未完成的《安魂曲》 Beethoven—Slightly Sorrowful Spirit of Music 贝多芬——略带悲情的乐圣 Chopin and His Ripples of Homesickness 肖邦与他那潺潺的乡愁 Franz Liszt and His Musical “Revolution” 李斯特和他的音乐“革命” Franz Schubert—the King of Songs Born in Nature 舒伯特——源于自然的“歌曲之王” “Haydn” to Modern Music—Mahler and the Earth Melody 现代音乐的“海顿”——马勒与《大地之歌》 Schoenberg Tags 勋伯格的标签 The Last Great Master of Music of Late German Romanticism 德国浪漫派晚期的*后一位音乐巨匠 Chapter 5 Share, Music and Others 第五章 音歌之舞——音乐和不同艺术的结合 Musical “Deviationist” in the Renaissance 文艺复兴音乐的“异端分子” Master of Italian Musical Renovation and His Opera “意大利革命音乐大师”和他的歌剧 Symphony and the Real Father of Symphony 交响乐与真正的交响乐之父 Literary and Diverse Elements in Works of Beethoven 贝多芬创作中的文学与多样性元素 Loving Beyond Reason—Berlioz and Symphonie Fantastique 超越理智的爱恋——柏辽兹与《幻想交响曲》 Chapter 6 Those Inevitable People and Their Anecdotes from Music—the Musical Texture 第六章 那些在音乐中不得不提的人和事——所用的音乐织体 Confusion and Controversy About Liszt and Debussy 李斯特与德彪西的困惑和争议 The Way Wagner Subverted Traditional Opera 瓦格纳如何颠覆了传统歌剧 Adventure of Diaghilev—the Historical Gorgeous Turn-back of Russian Music in the 20th Century 迪亚吉列夫的冒险——20世纪俄罗斯音乐在历史上的华丽转身 Musical Adventure of the 20th Century—This Is by no Means the End 20世纪的音乐冒险,这里绝不是终点

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