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出版社:John Wiley

(2019)ACT官方指南(附线上学习包) 本书特色

适读人群 :准备参加ACT考试的考生以及想提高英语水平的读者。 ACT考试的中文名是“美国大学入学考试”,与SAT考试均被称为“美国高考”,是美国大学本科的入学条件之一。 《(19)ACT官方指南》来自ACT考试的出题方,全书共分为5部分。**部分整体介绍考试内容、考试形式以及备考策略,让考生提前预热;第二部分提供1套测试练习供考生自测,按照考试模块对症下药,讲解答题技巧;第三部分分模块详细介绍英语、数学、阅读、科学、以及选考作文的考试内容、题型以及答题策略,全面提高考生的应试能力;第四部分提供3套测练习,给出得分建议,让考生把握得分点,提高得分率;第五部分为考生提供详尽的选校信息和申请攻略,助考生申请美国高校。

(2019)ACT官方指南(附线上学习包) 内容简介


(2019)ACT官方指南(附线上学习包) 目录

Preface xi

How This Book Is Arranged xii

Before You Begin xii

Part One: Getting Acquainted with the ACT Test 1

Chapter 1: About the ACT 3

Description of the ACT 4

English Test 4

Mathematics Test 6

Reading Test 14

Science Test 17

Writing Test (Optional) 19

The Fifth Test 21

ACT Test Formats: Paper and Online 21

Using a Calculator 21

Taking the Test 22

Summary 23

Chapter 2: Preparation, Skills, and Strategies 25

Mental Preparation 26

Identify Strengths and Address Areas of Improvement 26

Develop a Positive Mental Attitude 27

Keep the Test in Perspective 27

General Test-Taking Strategies and Skills 27

Remain Calm 27

Pace Yourself 28

Know the Directions Ahead of Time 29

Read Carefully and Thoroughly 29

Choose Strategies for Answering Easier and More Difficult Questions 30

Use Logic on More Difficult Questions 30

Choose a Strategy for Guessing on Multiple-Choice Questions 30

Choose a Strategy for Changing Answers 31

Write Notes in Your Test Booklet 31

Mark Your Answers Carefully 31

Plan to Check Your Answers 32

Learn Strategies for Specific Tests 32

Summary 32

Part Two: Taking and Evaluating Your First Practice Test 33

Chapter 3: Taking and Scoring Your First ACT Practice Test 35

Simulating Testing Conditions 35

Practice Test 1 41

Scoring Your Practice Test 101

Scoring Your Multiple-Choice Practice Tests 102

Scoring Your Practice Writing Test Essay 108

Reviewing Explanatory Answers 113

Chapter 4: Identifying Areas for Improvement 188

Reviewing Your Overall Performance 189

Highlighting Strengths and Areas for Improvement on the English Test 189

Test-Taking Skills 190

Highlighting Strengths and Areas for Improvement

on the Mathematics Test 192

Math Subject Areas 192

Test-Taking Errors 192

Highlighting Strengths and Areas for Improvement on the Reading Test 193

Types of Reading Passages 194

Reading Skills Tested 194

Test-Taking Errors 195

Highlighting Strengths and Areas for Improvement on the Science Test 196

Subject Matter 196

Types of Science Questions 197

Common Science Test-Taking Errors 197

Highlighting Strengths and Areas for Improvement on the Writing Test 198

Writing Skills Tested 198

Writing Strategy or Process Errors 199

Part Three: Improving Your Score 201

Chapter 5: Improving Your English Score 203

Content of the ACT English Test 203

Types of Questions on the ACT English Test 204

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