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伊索寓言-亲亲经典-01-中英双语对照 本书特色


伊索寓言-亲亲经典-01-中英双语对照 内容简介

 本套丛书具有以下亮点:   1.附赠免费音频下载。英国本土专业配音演员倾情录制,对白式朗读,发音纯正优美,并配有场景化的背景音乐,让你的耳朵也受到文学熏陶。   该套图书的音频制作精良,相关场景配有十分恰当的背景音乐,朗读者均为英语专业配音演员。角色化配音的朗读,能让读者在听mp3时获得如同听话剧般的艺术享受。   2.单词注释极其详细,基本保证读者可脱离字典顺畅阅读。   每册图书均配有详细注释,为了方便阅读,注释均设置在双页码的下方,即保证了阅读原文时的连贯性,又方便查找陌生单词的含义。注释的词汇量基本保证读者能够脱离字典顺畅阅读。   3.经典名著,分级阅读,循序渐进领略名著厚重。   该套图书汇集了*为经典的世界名著,涵盖英国、法国、德国、美国、丹麦等国家知名作家的作品,体裁涉及小说、童话、神话、寓言等。既包括适合小学生阅读的《安徒生童话》《绿野仙踪》《爱丽丝梦游仙境》等童话故事,又包括适合中学生阅读的《老人与海》《汤姆·索耶历险记》《夏洛克·福尔摩斯》等小说,还包括适合中学和大学生阅读的《简·爱》《了不起的盖茨比》《永别了,武器》等长篇经典小说。   4.名师译文,助您精确理解原著内涵。更有章节前引言的精心设计帮助您更好地把握故事脉络,感受名著魅力。   为了更有助于读者理解原文,每本图书均配有精彩译文,译者都为国内知名高校的老师,如北京外国语大学、南开大学等。译者们都有多年翻译和教学经验。每册图书的篇章页均有两三句话的内容简介,读者在正式阅读前对相关章节有所了解,更有助于读者理解原文。   5.大号字体,易于朗读,减轻阅读的疲劳感。便捷开本,随时随地享受掌上阅读。   该书版式简介精美,字体的选择非常适合阅读,每页文字不会让读者产生阅读压力,轻轻松松阅读完一页。便于携带的小32开本,如手掌般大小,满足您随时随地阅读名著的愿望,让您与世界名著寸步不离。

伊索寓言-亲亲经典-01-中英双语对照 目录

story 01 the tortoise and the ducks
story 02 the frogs and the ox
story 03 the dog, the cock, and the fox
story 04 belling the cat
story 05 hercules and the farmer
story 06 the fox and the grapes
story 07 the bundle of sticks
story 08 the wolf and the crane
story 09 the ass and his driver
story 10 the oxen and the wheels
story 11 the sheep and the pig
story 12 the travelers and the purse
story 13 the oak and the reeds
story 14 the rat and the elephant
story 15 the ass and the load of salt
story 16 the lion and the mosquito
story 17 the ass, the fox, and the lion
story 18 the monkey and the dolphin
story 19 the fox and the stork
story 20 the travelers and the sea
story 21 the mice and the weasels
story 22 the lion and the ass
story 23 the bear and the bees
story 24 the ass and the grasshoppers
story 25 the fox and the goat
story 26 the cat, the cock, and the young mouse
story 27 the peacock and the crane
story 28 the farmer and his sons
story 29 the two pots
story 30 the spendthrift and the swallow
story 31 the monkey and the cat
story 32 the cat and the fox
story 33 the astrologer
story 34 mercury and the woodman
story 35 the frog and the mouse
story 36 the serpent and the eagle
story 37 the eagle and the beetle
story 38 the ass and the lap dog
story 39 the milkmaid and her pail
story 40 the miser
story 41 the wolf and the house dog
story 42 the bat and the weasels
story 43 the fox without a tail
story 44 the rose and the butterf ly
story 45 two travelers and a bear
story 46 the mother and the wolf
story 47 the eagle and the kite
story 48 the animals and the plague
story 49 the shepherd and the lion

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