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作者:Guo Yong

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酶工程-(第三版) 本书特色

This book was translated from Chinese "EnzymeEngineering" (Third Edition) published in 2009 by Science Press,Beijing, China. The contents of the book include 10 chapters whichare; chapter 1: introduction; chapter 2. Enzyme production bymicrobial fermentation; chapter 3. Enzyme production by animal andplant cell culture; chapter 4. Extraction, isolation andpurification of enzymes; chapter 5. Enzyme molecular modifications;chapter 6. Immobilization of Enzymes, Cells and Protoplasts;chapter 7. Enzyme catalysis in non-aqueous phases; chapter 8.Enzyme directed evolutions; chapter 9. Enzyme reactors and chapter10. Applications of enzymes. 《酶工程(第3版)》由Guo Yong所著。

酶工程-(第三版) 内容简介

《酶工程(第3版)》简介:Enzyme Engineering (ThirdEdition) introduces the basic theories, basic technologies recentdevelopments and growth trends in the fields of enzyme productionand applications. This book in 10 chapters covers the introduction,enzyme production by microbial fermentation, enzyme production byanimal and plant cell cultures, extraction, separation andpurification of enzymes, enzyme molecular modification,immobilization of enzymes, cells and protoplasts, enzyme catalysisin non-aqueous phases, enzyme directed evolution, enzyme reactors,and applications of enzymes. A review and thinking issues are givenat the end of every chapter. This book can be used as a text bookfor the students specializing in biotechnology, bioengineering,biochemical engineering, enzyme engineering, fermentationengineering, bioscience etc. It can also be used as reference bythe teachers, scientists, engineers and technicians working in thefields related to enzyme engineering. This book has been translatedfrom the third Chinese edition of "Enzyme Engineering" published byScience Press, Beijing, China. 《酶工程(第3版)》由Guo Yong所著。

酶工程-(第三版) 目录

Chapter 1Introduction
1.1Conception of Enzyme and Its Development
1.2The Characteristics of Enzyme Action
1.3Factors that Affecting Enzyme Action
1.4Classification and Nomenclature of Enzymes
1.5Determination of Enzyme Activity
1.6Methods for Enzymes Production
1.7Development Survey of Enzyme Engineering
Review and Thinking
Chapter 2Enzyme Production by Microbial Fermentation
2.1Regulation of Enzyme Biosynthesis in MicrobialCells
2.2Characteristic of Microbes for EnzymeProduction
2.3Fermentation Process Conditions and ItsControl
2.4Enzyme Fermentation Kinetics
Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Conception of Enzyme and Its Development
  1.2  The Characteristics of Enzyme Action
  1.3  Factors that Affecting Enzyme Action
  1.4  Classification and Nomenclature of Enzymes
  1.5  Determination of Enzyme Activity
  1.6  Methods for Enzymes Production
  1.7  Development Survey of Enzyme Engineering
  Review and Thinking
Chapter 2  Enzyme Production by Microbial Fermentation
  2.1  Regulation of Enzyme Biosynthesis in MicrobialCells
  2.2  Characteristic of Microbes for EnzymeProduction
  2.3  Fermentation Process Conditions and ItsControl
  2.4  Enzyme Fermentation Kinetics
  2.5  Enzyme Production by Immobilized CellFermentation
  2.6  Enzyme Production by Immobilized ProtoplastFermentation
  Review and Thinking
Chapter 3  Enzyme Production by Animal and Plant CellCultures
  3.1  The Regulation of Enzyme Biosynthesis in Animaland Plant Cells
  3.2  Enzyme Production by Plant Cell Culture
  3.3  Enzyme Production by Animal Cell Culture
  Review and Thinking
Chapter 4  Extraction, Separation and Purification ofEnzymes
  4.1  Cell Disruption

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自然科学 生物科学 分子生物学


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