代数几何-复代数簇.代数曲线及雅可比行列式-III-44-(影印版)作者:帕尔申 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787030234872 定价:128.0 出版时间:2009-01-01 出版社:中国科技出版传媒(原科学) |
代数几何-复代数簇.代数曲线及雅可比行列式-III-44-(影印版) 本书特色
The first contributioof this EMS volume ocomplex algebraic geometry touchres upomany ofthe central problems ithis vast and very active area of current research. While it is much too short to
provide complete coverage of this subject, it provides a succinct summary of the areas it covers, while providing in-depth coverage ofcertaivery important fields.
The second part provides a l,rief and lucid introductioto the recent work othe interactions betweethe classical area of the geometry ofcomplex algebraic curves and their Jacobiavarieties, and Partial differential Equations ofmathematical physics. The paper discusses the work of Mumford, Novikov, Krichever, and Shiots, and would be aexcellent companioto the older classics othe subject.
代数几何-复代数簇.代数曲线及雅可比行列式-III-44-(影印版) 内容简介
POD产品说明: 1. 本产品为按需印刷(POD)图书,实行先付款,后印刷的流程。您在页面购买且完成支付后,订单转交出版社。出版社根据您的订单采用数字印刷的方式,单独为您印制该图书,属于定制产品。 2. 按需印刷的图书装帧均为平装书(含原为精装的图书)。由于印刷工艺、彩墨的批次不同,颜色会与老版本略有差异,但通常会比老版本的颜色更准确。原书内容含彩图的,统一变成黑白图,原书含光盘的,统一无法提供光盘。 3. 按需印刷的图书制作成本高于传统的单本成本,因此售价高于原书定价。 4. 按需印刷的图书,出版社生产周期一般为15个工作日(特殊情况除外)。请您耐心等待。 5. 按需印刷的图书,属于定制产品,不可取消订单,无质量问题不支持退货。
代数几何-复代数簇.代数曲线及雅可比行列式-III-44-(影印版) 目录
IntroductionChapter 1. Classical Hodge Theory
1.Algebraic Varieties
2.Complex Manifolds
3.A ComparisoBetweeAlgebraic Varieties and Analytic Spaces
4.Complex Manifolds as C Manifolds
5.Connections oHolomorphic Vector Bundles
7.Kahler Manifolds
8.Line Bundles and Divisors
9.The Kodaira Vanishing Theorem
Chapter 2. Periods of Integrals oAlgebraic Varieties
1.Classifying Space
2.Complex Tori
3.The Period Mapping
4.Variatioof Hodge Structures
5.Torelli Theorems
6.Infinitesimal Variatioof Hodge Structures
Chapter 3. Torelli Theorems
1.Algebraic Curves
2.The Cubic Threefold
3.K3 Surfaces and Elliptic Pencils
5.Counterexamples to Torelli Theorems
Chapter 4. Mixed Hodge Structures
1.Definitioof mixed Hodge structures
2.Mixed Hodge structure othe Cohomology of a Complete Variety with Normal Crossings
3.Cohomology of Smooth Var/eties
4.The Invariant Subspace Theorem
5.Hodge Structure othe Cohomology of Smooth Hypersurfaces
6.Further Development of the Theory of Mixed Hodge Structures
Chapter 5.Degenerations of Algebraic Varieties
1.Degenerations of Manifolds
2.The Limit Hodge Structure
3.The Clemens-Schmid Exact Sequence
4.AApplicatioof the Clemens-Schmid Exact Sequence to theDegeneratioof Curves
5.AApplicatioof the Clemens-Schmid Exact Sequence to Surface Degenerations The Relationship Betweethe Numerical Invariants of the Fibers Xt and Xo
6.The Epimorphicity of the Period Mapping for K3 Surfaces
Comments othe bibliography
自然科学 数学 几何与拓扑
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