CHINAS NEW REFORMS:The Role of Party-中国改革:执政党的角色

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CHINAS NEW REFORMS:The Role of Party-中国改革:执政党的角色

CHINAS NEW REFORMS:The Role of Party-中国改革:执政党的角色


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CHINAS NEW REFORMS:The Role of Party-中国改革:执政党的角色 作者简介

ChinaCenterfor Contemporary World Studies (CCCWS) was founded in 1994, and reorganized in 2010. Its main fields of research include international situation, political party politics, political system in foreign countries, China’s foreign strategies, socialist theories, social and political trends of thoughts and comparative studies in development modes. It actively conducts exchanges and academic discussions with foreign political party think tanks and research institutes. 中国当代世界研究中心(CCCWS),成立于2010年,主要从事国际形势、世界政党政治、国外政治制度、中国对外战略、社会主义理论、社会政治思潮、发展模式比较等方面的研究;积极开展同国外政党智库、研究机构的交流活动与学术研讨。 Approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, China Foundation for Peace and Development (CFPD) was registered in January 2011 in Beijing as a nation-wide non-profit making organization. The mission of CFPD is to support international exchanges and cooperation of Chinese and foreign NGOs, organize international charity activities and promote world peace and development, as well as common prosperity. 中国和平发展基金会是经国家民政部批准的全国性非营利机构,于2011年1月在北京成立。办会宗旨是支持中国民间组织参与国际交流与合作。

CHINAS NEW REFORMS:The Role of Party-中国改革:执政党的角色

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