CHINAS NEW REFORMS:The Role of Party-中国改革:执政党的角色

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CHINAS NEW REFORMS:The Role of Party-中国改革:执政党的角色

CHINAS NEW REFORMS:The Role of Party-中国改革:执政党的角色


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CHINAS NEW REFORMS:The Role of Party-中国改革:执政党的角色 本书特色

this book is a collection of papers from “the party and the world dialogue 2014”, which was attended by more than 200 political figures, scholars and experts from approximately 30 countries such as uk, us, russia, spain, germany, belgium, france, netherlands, sweden, hungary, denmark, israel, bulgaria, australia, singapore, kyrgyzstan, bangladesh, pakistan, malaysia, mongolia, india, republic of korea, burma, tonga, afghanistan, mexico, argentina, egypt, south africa, ethiopia, canada, and china’s relevant institutions. the papers focus on the following topics: china’s reforms:particularities vs. commonalities; china’s reforms:consensus upon plurality; china’s reforms:competition without zero-sum outcome. 本书为“2014中国共产党与世界对话会”文集,内容围绕中国改革的特色与共性、改革的舆论监督、没有零和博弈之结果的竞争等主题,深刻分析了改革背景、决策制定与执行过程、中国新一轮改革以及中国共产党的责任与角色。本书作为会议论文集,真实纪录了各国政要、学者对中国改革及中国共产党的探讨,在对话中突出了多元的视角,具有深刻的实践指导意义与理论研究价值。

CHINAS NEW REFORMS:The Role of Party-中国改革:执政党的角色 内容简介

**的世界多边对话论文集 世界政要如何看待中国共产党与中国改革 学习英语的绝好素材,阅读理解的常见文章类型  

CHINAS NEW REFORMS:The Role of Party-中国改革:执政党的角色 目录

contentsremarks at the opening ceremony of “the party and the world dialogue 2014”                       wang jiaruiremarks at the closing ceremony of “the party and the world dialogue 2014”                      guo yezhou panel 1: china’s reforms:particularities vs. commonalitieslook to asia for the rebirth of democracy        danny quahparticularities vs. commonalities:reform with chinese characteristics and cross-cultural commonalities           sean goldenchallenges awaiting china and countermeasures    song luzheng“theparameter andparadigm ofchinesereforms”  muhammad zamirpolitical change: system reform across boundaries   flemming christiansenchina’s "peaceful rise" also depends on europe    pierre defraignethe party and china’s reform project: toward a state-building party    wang zhengxurussian experience in political modernization: past lessons and future challenges                        guseletov boristhe political system of china: some considerations on its character and prospects                          romer cornejo panel ii china’s reforms:consensus upon pluralitycan china achieve radical change?              peter mandelsonconsensusfor pluripolarity reform               tsogtbaatarhow can us work with china to build a new model of big power relations in the asia-pacific                      zhao suishengconsensus upon plurality: how to build consensus for reform with a plurality of divergent interests and agenda            sachin pilothow to build consensus?                   augusto sotoplurilateral cooperation guided by china’s reform     mounir zahranon reform in china and the united states          john aldrichtoward shared prosperity: china’s new leap forward in social protection                                  wang shaoguangchina’s new reform—overcoming challenges and contradictions                        garth sheltonreform with a plurality of divergent inter-generational freedoms (opportunities) to achieve                    halapua sitiveniconsensus upon plurality: how to build consensus for reform with a plurality of divergent interests and agenda                  kyaw naing panel iii china’s reforms:competition without zero-sum outcomeglobal influence of china’s new reform: an overall evaluation                      zhang yansheng wang xunthe search for a non zero-sum world            eugenio bregolatchinain the south-south cooperation: what future? the case of africa                         mary-franoise renardsome historical and modern commоnalities of kyrgyzstan and china                             muratbekimanalievchina’s rise: competition without a zero-sum outcome     chris aldencompetition without zero-sum outcome: how to make china's rise, propelled by reforms, peaceful and constructive to other nations     alan bakera constructivist approach to avoid zero-sum games with china tamás maturachina’s reform and socialism                  zahari zaharievcompetition without zero-sum outcome: china’s role in a changing world                               khalid rahman"evolution of china's diplomacy in the last 25 years, with an emphasis on sino-latin american relations"                 jorge e. malenachina’s economic development: competition without zero-sum outcome                             redae halefomnationalism in china and japan and its impact on bilateral relations: a brief outsider perspective                         alice ekman appendix  

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