版权与版权贸易双语教程作者:陈凤兰 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787513010702 定价:38.0 出版时间:2012-04-01 出版社:知识产权出版社 |
版权与版权贸易双语教程 目录
part one essentials of copyright
chapter 1 history of copyright
1.1 definition
1.2 justification
1.3 history
chapter 2 international copyright law
2.1 berne convention for the protection of literary andartistic works
2.2 rome convention for the protection of performers,producers of phonograms and broadcasting organizations
2.3 universal copyright convention
2.4 world intellectual property organization copyrighttreaty
2.5 european copyright law
2.6 agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectualproperty rights ( trips )
part two commercial exploitation of copyright
版权与版权贸易双语教程 作者简介
法律 民法 知识产权
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