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西域历史语言研究集刊-第六辑 内容简介


西域历史语言研究集刊-第六辑 目录

foreword karénina kollmar-paulenz and shen weirong
klaus sagaster?bibliography compiled by karénina kollmar-paulenz,with the help of helmut eimer
元大都大聖壽萬安寺白塔之裝藏、裝飾——釋註《聖旨特建釋迦舍利靈通之塔碑文》相關段落 安海燕
a brief introduction to a manuscript of ?nd?r gegen’s biography kept by prof.ts.shagdarsürüng agata bareja-starzyńska
an imperial treasure:the zhigongtu as a source of 18th century social history christine bell,hartmut walravens
《端必瓦成就同生要》的文本演變及遞藏 柴冰
the mongol bard in society:customs and behaviour elisabetta chiodo
元順帝妥懽貼睦爾與西藏高僧布敦 党寶海
fragmente eines supplementbandes zum wanli-kanjur in der staatsbibliothek zu berlin helmut eimer
tharchin’s tibet mirror:a christian oriented newspaper? isrun engelhardt
wer war nikan wailan?der,china-sekret?r?? martin gimm
christian missionaries in qinghai and gansu:sources for tibetan and mongol studies bianca horlemann
the problem of sanskrit as the canonical language in buddhism pochi huang
古蒙古語月名 亦鄰真著 陳曉偉譯
bonner tibetica:die tibetischen blockdrucke und handschriften aus solu-khumbu(nepal)im besitz der abteilung mongolistik und tibetstudien des ioa der universit?t bonn rudolf kaschewsky
eine kurze analyse zur verbesserung der sozio?konomischen kooperationen zwischen korea und der mongolei-im bereich der ,,green energy industry?und,,migration? kim sunho
*inggis qan,der mann des jahrtausends? karénina kollmar-paulenz
二戰前日本學者對蒙古文、滿文古文獻的探尋:蒐集史及其特點 中見立夫
論埃和裏特——布拉嘎特巾幗英雄史詩 仁欽道爾吉
dasheng yaodao miji and studies in tibetan buddhist history of the tangut xia,mongol yuan and ming dynasties shen weirong
paying with karma in the buddha’s flower shop:spiritual economics in early indian buddhism jens schlieter
oboγв социальной структуре монгольского улуса 12-13 вв.tatiana d.skrynnikova
a personal view of a description of samarkand in the babur-nāma münevver tekcan
試論sonom gara/kara〈*sonom gra/kra即“莎南屹囉二合”以及一批中期蒙古語密典下落不明之問題 卓鴻澤
further notes on the bodhicittavivara?a and some comments on its verses 4-5:apropos of a non-buddhist ontological commitment leonard w.j.van der kuijp
china in berlin:the private library of the great elector and its development hartmut walravens

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