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中国教育政策的形成与变迁 本书特色


中国教育政策的形成与变迁 内容简介


中国教育政策的形成与变迁 目录



chapter one: introduction

1.1 nature of the research

1.2 researchquestions

1.3 organization and scope of the book

chapter two: theoretical framework

2.1 introduction

2.2 the past and present of educationpolicy studies

2.3 policy discourse matters

2.4 discourse theories in policyanalysis

2.5 deconstructing policy documents:application of

 discourse theories to thisstudy

2.6 effects of policy discourse: a discourse-resourcemode

2.7 conclusion

chapter three: methodology

3.1 introduction

3.2 rationale of policy analyses

3.3 data sources

3.4 access and gatekeeping

3.5 documentary research

3.6 content analysis as an approach

3.7 discourse analysis as an approach

3.8 language and translatability

3.9 conclusion

chapter four: background to china’seducation reform and policy changes

4.1 introduction

4.2 from collectivism to dynamicideology

4.3 political system in china

4.4 chinese economy

4.5 economic reforms

4.6 china’s education system

4.7 brief history of the development ofthe education system from 1978 to 2007 from the perspective of policy


4.8 conclusion

chapter five: exploring policy texts:trends and types of education policy in china


5.2 data sources

5.3 the application of content analysis

5.4 trends of education policy

5.5 typology of china’seducation policy

5.6 conclusion

chapter six: exploring intertextuality:public discourse and elite discourse

6.1 introduction

6.2 rationale and data source

6.3 public discourse on china’seducation – letters of complaint

6.4 elite’s discourse on china’seducation - proposals of members of the chinese people’s political consultativeconference (cppcc)

6.5 transitions in discourse, from thegrass-root to the elite level: implications for theeducation policy process in china

chapter seven: exploring policydiscourse: conceptualizingmarketization and constructingdifference in equity

7.1 introduction

7.2 rationale of discourse and datasource

7.3 conceptualizing the marketizationof education in


7.4 constructing differences in equitypolicy

7.5 conclusion

chapter eight: a discourse-resourcemodel to explain the effects of education policy

8.1 introduction

8.2 rationale of the discourse-resourcemodel

8.3 policy discourse as regulativeresources

8.4 policy discourse as cognitiveresources

8.5 policy discourse as normativeresources

8.6 conclusion

chapter nine: conclusion

9.1 introduction

9.2 substantive conclusion

9.3 reflections on the analyticalapproach of the book

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社会科学 教育


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