本体与词汇库-自然语言处理角度的解析作者:黄居仁 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787301249543 定价:61.0 出版时间:2014-12-01 出版社:北京大学出版社 |
本体与词汇库-自然语言处理角度的解析 本书特色
本体与词汇库-自然语言处理角度的解析 内容简介
本体与词汇库-自然语言处理角度的解析 目录
part ⅰ fundamental aspects
1 ontology and the lexicon: a multidisciplinary perspective
1.1 situating ontologies and lexical resources
1.2 the content of ontologies
1.3 theoretical framework for the ontologies/lexicons interface
1.4 from ontologies to the lexicon and back
1.5 outline of chapters
2 formal ontology as interlingua: the sumo and wordnet linking project and global wordnet
2.1 wordnet
2.2 principles of construction of formal ontologies and lexicons
2.3 mappings
2.4 interpreting language
2.5 global wordnet
2.6 sumo translation templates
3 interfacing wordnet with dolce: towards ontowordnet
3.1 introduction
3.2 wordnet's preliminary analysis
3.3 the dolce upper ontology
3.4 mapping wordnet into dolce
3.5 conclusion
4 reasoning over natural language text by means of framenet and ontologies
4.1 introduction
4.2 an introduction to the framenet lexicon
4.3 linking framenet to ontologies for reasoning
4.4 formalizing framenet in owl dl
4.5 reasoning over framenet-annotated text
4.6 linking framenet to sumo
4.7 discussion
4.8 conclusion and outlook
5 synergizing ontologies and the lexicon: a roadmap
5.1 formal mappings between ontologies
5.2 evaluation of ontolex resources
5.3 bridging different lexical models and resources
5.4 technological framework
part ⅱ discovery and representation of conceptual systems
6 experiments of ontology construction with formal concept analysis
6.1 introduction
6.2 basic concepts and related work
6.3 dataset selection and design of experiments
6.4 evaluation and discussion
6.5 conclusion and future work
7 ontology, lexicon, and fact repository as leveraged to interpret events of change
7.1 introduction
7.2 a snapshot of ontosem
7.3 motivation for pursuing deep analysis of events of change
7.4 increase
7.5 content divorced from its rendering
7.6 nlp with reasoning and for reasoning
7.7 conclusion
8 hantology: conceptual system discovery based on orthographic convention
8.1 introduction: hanzi and conventionalized
8.2 general framework
8.3 conceptualization and classification of the radicals system
8.4 the ontology of a radical as a semantic symbol
8.5 the architecture of hantology
8.6 owl encoding of hantology
8.7 summary
8.8 conclusion
9 what's in a schema?
9.1 introduction
9.2 an ontology for cognitive linguistics
9.3 the c.dns ontology
9.4 schemata, mental spaces, and constructions
9.5 an embodied semiotic metamodel
9.6 applying semion to framenet and related resources
9.7 conclusion
part ⅲ interfacing ontologies and lexical resources
10 interfacing ontologies and lexical resources
10.1 introduction
10.2 classifying experiments in ontologies and lexical resources
10.3 ontologies and their construction
10.4 how actual resources fit the classification
10.5 two practical examples
10.6 available tools for the ontology lexical resource interface
10.7 conclusion
11 sinica bow (bilingual ontological wordnet):integration of bilingual wordnet and sumo
11.1 background and motivation
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