文本和语音处理系统评测作者:戴布克耶 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787301249512 定价:52.0 出版时间:2014-12-01 出版社:北京大学出版社 |
文本和语音处理系统评测 本书特色
文本和语音处理系统评测 内容简介
文本和语音处理系统评测 目录
contributing authors
laila dybkj?r, holmer hemsen and wolfgang minker
1 speech and speaker recognition evaluation
sadaoki furui
1. introduction
2. principles of speech recognition
3. categories of speech recognition tasks
4. evaluation of speech recognition systems
5. principles of speaker recognition
6. categories of speaker recognition tasks
7. normalization and adaptation techniques
8. evaluation of speaker recognition systems
9. factors affecting the performance and evaluation paradigm
design for speech and speaker recognition systems
10. svstem-level evaluation of speech and speaker rognition…
11. conclusion
2 evaluation of speech synthesis
nick campbell
1. introduction
2. components of computer speech
3. evaluation methodologies
4. organised evaluations and assessment
5. speaking to (and on behalf of) people
6. conclusion
3 modelling and evaluating verbal and non-verbal
communication in talking animated interface agents
bj?rn granstr?m and david house
1. introduction
2. kth parametric multimodal speech synthesis
3. data collection and data-driven visual synthesis
4. evaluating intelligibility and information presentation
5. evaluating visual cues for prominence
6. evaluating prosody and interaction
7. evaluating visual cues to sentence mode
8. evaluation of agent expressiveness and attitude
9. agent and system evaluation studies
10. future challenges in modelling and evaluation
4 evaluating part-of-speech tagging and parsing
patrick paroubek
1. pos tagging
2. parsing
3. evaluation and natural language processing
4. pos tagging evaluation methodology
5. methodology and evaluation measures for parsing
6. conclusion
5 general principles of user-oriented evaluation
margaret king
1. a historical note
2. what is user-oriented evaluation?
3. a first principle: quality is decided by users
4. a second principle: users do not have the same needs
5. a third principle: quality can be characterized
6. a fourth principle: quality can be measured
7. combining the particular and the general: the ideal
8. conclusion
6 an overview of evaluation methods in trec ad hoc info-
rmation retrieval and trec question answering…
simone teufel
1. introduction
2. evaluation criteria
3. evaluation metrics
4. real-world performance
5. conclusion
7 spoken dialogue systems evaluation
niels ole bernsen, laila dybkj?r and wolfgang minker
1. introduction
2. evaluation methods and criteria
3. evaluation of the nice hans christian andersen prototype
4. evaluation of the seneca prototype
5. conclusion
8 linguistic resources, development,and evaluation of…
text and speech systems
christopher cieri
1. introduction
2. the linguistic resource landscape
3. background on linguistic data and annotation
4. data planning for technology development and evaluation
5. finding resources
6. building resources
7. conclusion
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