
首页 > 图书 > 人文社科类图书/2020-05-13 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:汪清 著

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负反馈与学习者回答大学英语课堂师生配对协商研究 本书特色


负反馈与学习者回答大学英语课堂师生配对协商研究 内容简介


负反馈与学习者回答大学英语课堂师生配对协商研究 目录

摘要 001 Abstract 001 1 Introduction 001 1.1 Rationale of the study 001 1.2 Significance of the study 004 1.2.1 Theoretical significance 004 1.2.2 Methodological significance 005 1.2.3 Pedagogical significance 006 1.3 Outline of the study 007 2 Literature Review 009 2.1 Theoretical account of relevant terms 009 2.1.1 Negotiation 009 2.1.2 Negative feedback 015 2.1.3 Learner uptake and repair 036 2.2 Theoretical foundations 042 2.2.1 Positive evidence and negative evidence 042 2.2.2 The Interaction Hypothesis 048 2.2.3 Noticing Hypothesis 050 2.2.4 Cognitive Comparison theories 051 2.3 Empirical studies 054 2.3.1 Studies on negotiation 054 2.3.2 Studies on negative feedback in general and learner uptake 062 2.3.3 Studies on negative feedback in fine-grained form and learner uptake 071 2.4 Research gaps in the literature 081 3 Research Design 083 3.1 Research questions 083 3.2 Subjects 084 3.3 Data collection 085 3.4 Data analysis 086 3.4.1 Data analysis of errors and problems 086 3.4.2 Data analysis of negative feedback 087 3.4.3 Data analysis of learner uptake 096 3.4.4 Data analysis of negotiation routines involving negative feedback and uptake 098 3.4.5 Reliability 100 4 Results and Discussion (I): Negative feedback in teacher-student dyadic negotiation 101 4.1 Results 101 4.1.1 Learner problems initiating negative feedback 101 4.1.2 Types of negative feedback in the teacher-student negotiation work 102 4.1.3 Distribution of negative feedback types 117 4.2 Discussion 122 4.2.1 Learner problems initiating negative feedback 122 4.2.2 Categories not found in the present study 124 4.2.3 Distribution of the negative feedback types 126 5 Results and Discussion (II): Uptake and repair after negative feedback 136 5.1 Results 136 5.1.1 Categories of learner uptake in the teacher-student negotiation work 136 5.1.2 Distribution of the types of uptake and repair 142 5.2 Discussion 145 5.2.1 Learner uptake and repair after the general categories of negative feedback 147 5.2.2 Learner uptake and repair after the subcategories of negative feedback 158 6 Results and Discussion (III): The process of negative feedback leading to repair 161 6.1 Characteristics of turns and sequences of the negotiation involving negative feedback and learner repair 161 6.2 A negotiation model on negative feedback and repair 165 7 Conclusion 175 7.1 Summary of the research findings 175 7.2 Implications 178

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