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几何与分析-第I卷 内容简介

this book contains many substantial papers from distinguished speakers of a conference "geometric analysis: present and future" and an overview of the works of professor shing-tung yau. contributors include e. wit-ten, y.t. siu, r. hamilton, h. hitchin, b. lawson, a. strominger, c. vafa, w. schmid, v. guillemin, n. mok, d. christodoulou. this is a valuable reference that gives an up-to-dated summary of geometric analysis and its applications in many different areas of mathematics.

几何与分析-第I卷 目录

part 1 summary of and commentaries on the work of shing-tung yau
 curriculum vitae of shing-tung yau
 a brief overview of the work of shing-tung yau
 lizhen ji
 1 introduction
 2 a summary of some major works of yau
 3 topics yau has worked on
 4 basics on kaihler-einstein metrics and calabi conjectures
 5 some applications of kaihler-einstein metrics and calabi-yau manifolds
 6 harmonic maps
 7 rigidity of kahler manifolds
 8 super-rigidity of spaces of nonpositive curvature
 9 survey papers by yau
 10 open problems by yau
 ll books written and co-written by yau

几何与分析-第I卷 节选

《几何与分析(第I卷)》内容简介:This book contains many substantial papers from distinguished speakers of a conference "Geometric Analysis: Present and Future" and an overview of the works of Professor Shing-Tung Yau. Contributors include E. Wit-ten, Y.T. Siu, R. Hamilton, H. Hitchin, B. Lawson, A. Strominger, C. Vafa, W. Schmid, V. Guillemin, N. Mok, D. Christodoulou. This is a valuable reference that gives an up-to-dated summary of geometric analysis and its applications in many different areas of mathematics.

几何与分析-第I卷 相关资料

插图:hough geometric analysis has a long history, the decisive contributions of Yau since 1970s have made it an indispensable tool in many subjects such as differential geometry, topology, algebraic geometry, mathematical physics, etc, and hence have established it as one of the most important fields of modern mathematics.Yau's impacts are clearly visible in the papers of these two volumes, and we hope that these two volumes of Geometry and Analysis and the three volumes of the Handbook of Geometric Analysis will pay a proper tribute to him in a modest way. According to the Chinese tradition, a person is one year old when he is born, and hence Yau turned 60 already in 2008. The number 60 and hence the age 60 is special in many cultures, especially in the Chinese culture. It is the smallest common multiple of 10 and 12, two important periods in the Chinese astronomy. Therefore, it is a new starting point (or a new cycle). A quick look at Yau's list of publications in Part 1 shows that Yau has not only maintained but increased his incredible output both in terms of quality and quantity.


自然科学 数学 几何与拓扑


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