经典位势论及其对应的概率论作者:杜布 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787510058417 定价:129.0 出版时间:2013-07-01 出版社:世界图书出版公司 |
经典位势论及其对应的概率论 本书特色
经典位势论及其对应的概率论 内容简介
Potential theory and certain aspects of probability theory are intimately related, perhaps most obviously in that the transition function determining a Markov process can be used to define the Green function of a potential theory. Thus it is possible to define and develop many potential theoretic concepts probabilistically, a procedure potential theorists observe with jaun- diced eyes in view of the fact that now as in the past their subject provides the motivation for much of Markov process theory. However that may be it is clear that certain concepts in potential theory correspond closely to concepts in probability theory, specifically to concepts in martingale theory.For example, superharmonic functions correspond to supermartingales. More specifically: the Fatou type boundary limit theorems in potential theory correspond to supermartingale convergence theorems; the limit properties of monotone sequences of superharmonic functions correspond surprisingly closely to limit properties of monotone sequences of super- martingales; certain positive superharmonic functions [supermartingales] are called "potentials," have associated measures in their respective theories and are subject to domination principles (inequalities) invomng the supports of those measures; in each theory there is a reduction operation whose properties are the same in the two theories and these reductions induce sweeping (balayage) of the measures associated with potentials, and,so on.
经典位势论及其对应的概率论 目录
IntroductionNotation and Conventions
Part 1
Classical and Parabolic Potential Theory
Chapter I
Introduction to the Mathematical Background of Classical Potential Theory
1.The Context of Green's Identity
2.Function Averages
3.Harmonic Functions
4.Maximum-Minimum Theorem for Harmonic Functions
5.The Fundamental Kernel for RN and Its Potentials
6.Gauss Integral Theorem
7.The Smoothness of Potentials ; The Poisson Equation
8.Harmonic Measure and the Riesz Decomposition
Chapter II
自然科学 数学 概率论与数理统计
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