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实分析教程-第2版-(影印版)作者:(美)麦克唐纳 著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787510052637 定价:139.0 出版时间:2013-01-01 出版社:世界图书出版公司 |
14 normed spaces and locally convex spaces
biography: stefan banach
14.1 the hahn-banach theorem
14.2 linear operators on banach spaces
14.3 compact self-adjoint operators
14.4 topological linear spaces
14.5 weak and weak* topologies
14.5 compact convex sets
part four
harmonic analysis, dynamical systems, and hausdorff measure
15 elements of harmonic analysis
biography: ingrid daubechies
15.1 introduction to fourier series
15.2 convergence of fourier series
15.3 the fourier transform
15.4 fourier transforms of measures
15.5 □-theory of the fourier transform
15.5 introduction to wavelets
15.7 orthonormal wavelet bases; the wavelet transform
15 measurable dynamical systems biography: claude e/woodshannon
16.1 introduction and examples
16.2 ergodic theory
16.3 isomorphism of measurable dynamical systems;entropy
16.4 the kolmogorov-sinai theorem; calculation of entropy
17 hausdorff measure and fractals biography: benoit b.mandelbrot
17.1 outer measure and measurability
17.2 hausdorff measure
17.3 hausdorff dimension and topological dimension
17.4 fractals

自然科学 数学 函数
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