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  8.3  weak magnetic field
    8.3.1  the normal zeeman effect
    8.3.2  the anomolous zeeman effect
  8.4  spectra in magnetic field
9.x-ray spectra
  9.1  inner shell processes
  9.2  the solar corona
  9.3  the structure of highly ionised atoms
  9.4  isotope effects
10.molecular structure
  10.1  the born-oppenheimer approximation
  10.2  electronic structure of diatomics
    10.2.1  labelling of electronic states
    10.2.2 symmetry
    10.2.3 state labels
  10.3  schrodinger equation
    10.3.1  nuclear motion in diatomic molecules
  10.4  fractionation
  10.5  vibration-rotation energy levels
  10.6  temperature effects
    10.6.1  rotational state populations
    10.6.2  vibrational state populations
    10.6.3  electronic state populations
11.rotational spectra
  11.1  rotational structure of polyatomic molecules
  11.2  selection rules: pure rotational transitions
  11.3  selection rules
  11.4  isotope effects
  11.5  rotational spectra of other molecules
  11.6  rotational spectra of molecular hydrogen
  11.7  maser emissions
12.vibration-rotation spectra
  12.1  vibrations in polyatomic molecules
  12.2  vibrational transitions
    12.2.1  structure of the spectrum
    12.2.2  isotope effects
    12.2.3  hydrogen molecule vibrational spectra
  12.3  astronomical spectra
13.electronic spectra of diatomic molecules
  13.1  electronic transitions
  13.2  selection rules
    13.2.1  vibrational selection rules
    13.2.2  rotational selection rules
  13.3  transition frequencies
  13.4  astronomical spectra
  13.5  non-e electronic states
solutions to model problems
further reading and bibliography
index 天文光谱学-天文光谱的原子分子物理学导论-引进系列.57-第二版-(影印版)

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