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天文光谱学-天文光谱的原子分子物理学导论-引进系列.57-第二版-(影印版) 本书特色

对于宇宙的观测,其信息几乎都来自于光。观测一方面要把光分解成各种成分,另一方面也要了解原子和分子的性质。《天文光谱学——天文光谱的原子与分子物理学导论(第二版)(英文影印版)》对于这两方面都进行了系统讲述。在天文光谱学的研究中,本书能够提供丰富而实用的知识。   《天文光谱学——天文光谱的原子与分子物理学导论(第二版)(英文影印版)》适合天文学领域的研究者和研究生阅读。

天文光谱学-天文光谱的原子分子物理学导论-引进系列.57-第二版-(影印版) 内容简介


天文光谱学-天文光谱的原子分子物理学导论-引进系列.57-第二版-(影印版) 目录

1.why record spectra of astronomical objects?
  1.1  a historical introduction
  1.2  what one can learn from studying spectra
2.the nature of spectra
  2.1  transitions
  2.2  absorption and emission
  2.3  other measures of transition probabilities
  2.4  stimulated emission
  2.5  optical depth
  2.6  critical density
  2.7  wavelength or frequency?
  2.8  the electromagnetic spectrum
3.atomic hydrogen
  3.1  overview
  3.2  the schrodinger equation of hydrogen-like atoms
  3.3  reduced mass
  3.4  atomic units
  3.5  wavefunctions for hydrogen
  3.6  energy levels and quantum numbers
  3.7  h-atom discrete spectra
  3.8  h-atom spectra in different locations
    3.8.1  balmer series
    3.8.2  lyman series
    3.8.3  infrared lines
  3.9  h-atom continuum spectra
    3.9.1  processes
    3.9.2  h-atom emission in h ii regions
  3.10  radio recombination lines
  3.11  radio recombination lines for other atoms
  3.12  angular momentum coupling in the hydrogen atom
  3.13  the fine structure of hydrogen
  3.14  hyperfine structure in the h atom
  3.15  allowed transitions
  3.16  hydrogen in nebulae
4.complex atoms
  4.1  general considerations
  4.2  central field model
  4.3  indistinguishable particles
  4.4  electron configurations
  4.5  the periodic table
  4.6  ions
  4.7  angular momentum in complex atoms
    4.7.1  l-s or russell-saunders coupling
    4.7.2  j-j coupling
    4.7.3  why two coupling schemes?
  4.8  spectroscopic notation
  4.9  parity of the wavefunction
  4.10  terms and levels in complex atoms
5.helium spectra
  5.1  he i and he ii spectra
  5.2  selection rules for complex atoms
  5.3  observing forbidden lines
  5.4  grotrian diagrams
  5.5  potential felt by electrons in complex atoms
  5.6  emissions of helium-like ions
6.alkali atoms
  6.1  sodium
  6.2  spin-orbit interactions
  6.3  fine structure transitions
  6.4  astronomical sodium spectra
  6.5  other alkali metal-like spectra
7.spectra of nebulae
  7.1  nebulium
  7.2  the bowen mechanism
  7.3  two valence electrons
  7.4  autoionisation and recombination
8.spectra in magnetic fields
  8.1  uniform magnetic field
  8.2  strong magnetic field

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自然科学 物理学 光学


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