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相平衡.相图和相变-其热力学基础-第二版-(影印版) 本书特色

《相平衡、相图和相变——其热力学基础(第二版)(英文影印版)》主要内容为现代计算机应用观点下的热力学基本原理。 化学平衡和化学变化的理论基础也是本书的内容之一,其重点在于相图的性质。本书从基本原理出发,讨论延及多相的系统。第二版新增加的内容包括不可逆热力学、极值原理和表面、界面热力学等等。 平衡条件的理论刻画、系统的平衡状态和达到平衡时的变化都以图解的形式给出。   《相平衡、相图和相变——其热力学基础(第二版)(英文影印版)》适合材料科学与工程领域的研究人员、研究生和高年级本科生阅读。

相平衡.相图和相变-其热力学基础-第二版-(影印版) 内容简介


相平衡.相图和相变-其热力学基础-第二版-(影印版) 目录

preface to second edition page xii
preface to first edition xiii
1 basic concepts of thermodynamics 
 1.1 external state variables 
 1.2 internal state variables 
 1.3 the first law of thermodynamics 
 1.4 freezing-in conditions 
 1.5 reversible and irreversible processes 
 1.6 second law of thermodynamics 
 1.7 condition of internal equilibrium 
 1.8 driving force 
 1.9 combined first and second law 
 1.10 general conditions of equilibrium 
 1.11 characteristic state functions 
 1.12 entropy 
2 manipulation of thermodynamic quantities 
 2.1 evaluation of one characteristic state function from another 
 2.2 internal variables at equilibrium 
 2.3 equations of state 
 2.4 experimental conditions 
 2.5 notation for partial derivatives 
 2.6 use of various derivatives 
 2.7 comparison between cv and cp 
 2.8 change of independent variables 
 2.9 maxwell relations 
3 systems with variable composition 
 3.1 chemical potential 
 3.2 molar and integral quantities 
 3.3 more about characteristic state functions 
 3.4 additivity of extensive quantities. free energy and exergy 
 3.5 various forms of the combined law 
 3.6 calculation of equilibrium 
 3.7 evaluation of the driving force 
 3.8 driving force for molecular reactions 
 3.9 evaluation of integrated driving force as function of
 t or p 
 3.10 effective driving force 
4 practical handling of multicomponent systems 
 4.1 partial quantities 
 4.2 relations for partial quantities 
 4.3 alternative variables for composition 
 4.4 the lever rule 
 4.5 the tie-line rule 
 4.6 different sets of components 
 4.7 constitution and constituents 
 4.8 chemical potentials in a phase with sublattices 
5 thermodynamics of processes 
 5.1 thermodynamic treatment of kinetics of
 internal processes 
 5.2 transformation of the set of processes 
 5.3 alternative methods of transformation 
 5.4 basic thermodynamic considerations for processes 
 5.5 homogeneous chemical reactions 
 5.6 transport processes in discontinuous systems 
 5.7 transport processes in continuous systems 
 5.8 substitutional diffusion 
 5.9 onsager’s extremum principle 
6 stability 
 6.1 introduction 
 6.2 some necessary conditions of stability 
 6.3 sufficient conditions of stability 
 6.4 summary of stability conditions 
 6.5 limit of stability 
 6.6 limit of stability against fluctuations in composition 

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自然科学 物理学 热学与物质分子运动论


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