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柳百新院士论文集 本书特色


柳百新院士论文集 内容简介

  《柳百新院士论文集》是为庆祝材料科学家柳百新院士八十华诞而集结的文集。《柳百新院士论文集》主要分为六篇:**篇柳百新传略;第二篇柳百新研究组发表的500 篇SCI 论文目录(1982—2015 年);第三篇35 篇代表性论文;第四篇培养的研究生名单;第五篇主要获奖项目;第六篇同学、同事和学生的回忆文章。

柳百新院士论文集 目录

**篇 柳百新传略 1
第二篇 柳百新研究组发表的500篇SCI论文目录(1982—2015年) 13
第三篇 35篇代表性论文 57
1. Structural Difference Rule for Amorphous Alloy Formation by Ion Mixing 59
2. Ion Mixing and Metallic Alloy Phase Formation 62
3. Different Behaviours of Amorphization Induced by Ion Mixing 86
4. Observations of Fractal Patterns Induced in Thin Solid Films by Ion Irradiation 95
5. Linear Correlation of Fractal Dimension versus Atomic Magneton in Magnetic-Particle Aggregation 99
6. Thermodynamics and Growth Kinetical Consideration of Metal-Nitride Formation by Nitrogen Implantation 104
7. Void Swelling Induced by 1 MeV Electron Irradiation in Ti- and Nb-Modified 316 Stainless Steels 116
8. Disclination Loops in Ni-Mo Amorphous Alloy Films Induced by Ion Irradiation 122
9. C54-TiSi2 Formed by Direct High Current Ti-Ion Implantation 135
10. Anomalous Alloying Behavior Induced by Ion Irradiation in a System with a Large Positive Heat of Mixing 138
11. Spontaneous Vitrification in the Au-Ta System with a Small Size Difference 152
12. Formation and Theoretical Modeling of Non-Equilibrium Alloy Phases by Ion Mixing 155
13. Influence of Interfacial Texture and Asymmetric Growth in Diffusion-Limited Amorphization in Ni-Zr Multilayers upon Medium-Temperature Annealing 186
14. Interface-Driven Alloying and Metallic Glass Formation in Nano-Multilayers in an Immiscible Y-Nb System 197
15. Glass-Forming Ability Determined by the Atomic Interaction Potential for the Ni-Mo System 206
16. Metastable Rhombohedral Fe Phase Formed in Fe/Sb Multilayers and Its Magnetic Properties 210
17. Prediction of Solid-State Amorphization in Binary Metal Systems 217
18. Irradiation Induced Amorphization in Metallic Multilayers and Calculation of Glass-Forming Ability from Atomistic Potential in the Binary Metal Systems 221
19. Stability of a Nonequilibrium Phase in an Immiscible Ag-Ni System Studied by Ab initio Calculations and Ion-Beam-Mixing Experiment 269
20. Solid-State Crystal-to-Amorphous Transition in Metal-Metal Multilayers and Its Thermodynamic and Atomistic Modelling 273
21. Metastable Phase Formation in an Immiscible Cu-Ta System Studied by Ion-Beam Mixing,Ab initio Calculation, and Molecular Dynamics Simulation 336
22. Correlation of Magnetic Moment versus Spacing Distance of Metastable fcc Structured Iron 345
23. Crystallographic and Lattice Point Correlations of a New hcp-to-fco Martensitic Transformation Observed in the Ni-Hf System 348
24. Atomistic Modeling of Crystal-to-Amorphous Transition and Associated Kinetics in the Ni-Nb System by Molecular Dynamics Simulations 354
25. Formation of Amorphous Alloys by Ion Beam Mixing and Its Multiscale Theoretical Modeling in the Equilibrium Immiscible Sc-W System 363
26. Icositetrahedral and Icosahedral Atomic Configurations Observed in the Nb-Ag Metallic Glasses Synthesized by Ion Beam Mixing 370
27. Nonequilibrium Solid Phases Studied by Thermodynamic Calculation, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Ab initio Calculation and Ion-Beam Manipulation in an Immiscible Au-Co System at Equilibrium 373
28. Atomistic Mechanism of Interfacial Reaction and Asymmetric Growth Kinetics in an Immiscible Cu-Ru System at Equilibrium 385
29. Molecular Statics Calculation of the Formation Enthalpy for Ternary Metal Systems Based on the Long-Range Empirical Interatomic Potentials 395
30. Interatomic Potentials of the Binary Transition Metal Systems and Some Applications in Materials Physics 398

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