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高中英语主题阅读进阶-第6级-(本册适用于高三年级第二学期) 本书特色

《高中英语主题阅读进阶(第6级)》特色:   话题导读 图文并茂,直击主题,快速了解文章内容   随堂小测 随读随练,及时检测阅读成效。   高考**词 掌握高考**词汇,攻克阅读理解**道难关——词汇关!   读懂关键句 点击文中关键句,精准翻译,详尽分析,攻克阅读理解第二道难关——长难句!   达标大闯关 内容丰富,文体多样,科学命题,一周一关,阅读理解轻松达标!

高中英语主题阅读进阶-第6级-(本册适用于高三年级第二学期) 目录

week 1 pop stars
part 1 taylor swift
part 2 reading comprehension
week 2 reading makes knowing
part 1 my passion for reading
part 2 reading comprehension
week 3 good manners
part 1 always use good manners
part 2 reading comprehension
week 4 advertisement
part 1 should ads be allowed on school buses?
part 2 reading comprehension
week 5 english around the world
part 1 english as a global language
part 2 reading comprehension
week 6 international sports events
part 1 youth olympic games
part 2 reading comprehension
week 7 customs & culture
part 1 the "silent language" of american culture
part 2 reading comprehension
week 8 culture shock
part 1 fight homesickness caused by culture shock
part 2 reading comprehension
week 9 the internet & life
part 1 the intemet facts of life explained by a 12-year-old
part 2 reading comprehension
week 10 space exploration
part 1 explore mars
part 2 reading comprehension
week 11 science fiction
part 1 jules verne: the father of science fiction
part 2 reading comprehension
week 12 wildlife protection
part 1 tanzania african wildlife conservation adventure
part 2 reading comprehension
week 13 fine arts
part 1 pop artist andy warhol
part 2 reading comprehension
week 14 cultural relics
part 1 get involved in cultural relics protection with wcrpf
part 2 reading comprehension
week 15 leisure and entertainment
part 1 how electronic games changed our leisure time
part 2 reading comprehension
week 16 help people around the world
part 1 how to help children around the world
part 2 reading comprehension
week 17 make a choice
part 1 make a choice you will never regret
part 2 reading comprehension
week 18 education in china .
part 1 university campus life in china and in the usa - similarities and differences
part 2 reading comprehension
week 19 famous uruversities in the world
part 1 princeton university's campus tour
part 2 reading comprehension
week 20 study abroad
part 1 why should you study abroad?
part 2 reading comprehension
week 21 reading test 1
week 22 reading test 2
week 23 reading test 3
week 24 reading test 4
week 25 reading test 5
week 26 reading test 6
附录一 参考答案及解析
附录二 6级单词大赢家 高中英语主题阅读进阶-第6级-(本册适用于高三年级第二学期)

中小学教辅 高中通用 英语


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