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The Swift-Footed Arrive First
肖像画 139
A Portrait
不达目的誓不罢休 141
Never Give Up
漂流瓶的意外 143
The Accident of a Current Bottle
入戏太深信以为真 145
So Deep in the Play to Believe it
麻烦制造者 147
以假乱真 149
Perfect Copy
桑拿房的初次体验 151
First Experience in the Sauna
魔术揭秘 154
The Secret of Magic Show
三 我爱老爸/155
老爸为儿子打架 156
Father Fights for Son
怎么这么像 158
How So Like
会走路的箱子 159
The Walking Trunk
好玩的跳圈圈 160
Funny Circle-Jumping
镜子怎么怪怪的 161
The Mirror Looks So Weird
爱我你就陪陪我 163
Love Me and Stay with Me
以身作则 166
Set an Example
离家出走 168
Run Away From Home
俯首甘为孺子牛 170
Serve His Son Like a Willing Ox
不带儿子去玩的后果 172
Have Fun Without Son
小兔送彩蛋 173
The Easter Eggs Sent by the Bunny
惊喜的礼物 175
A Surprise Gift
父亲恼羞成怒 176
Father Bristles
两对父子 178
Two Pairs of Fathers and Sons
巧画落日图 179
Draw the Sunset Deftly
贪吃的诡计 181
The Greedy Boy's Trick
足球与老爸的脑袋 183
Football and Daddy's Head
制作圣诞礼物的秘密 185
The Secret of Making a Christmas Gift
圣诞礼物 188
The Christmas Gifts
怪物啊 190
A Monster
老爸看报纸也太认真了吧 191
Absorbed in His Papers
二货 194
A Jerk
会享受的天鹅 196
A Swan Who Can Enjoy
谁说长得像了 198
Who Says They're Similar
歌德的书 199
Goethe's Books
谨遵医嘱 201
At the Doctor's Advice
摔碎了的礼物 202
The Broken Gift
镜子高高挂 204
The Mirror Is Hung High
化装术 206
The Art of Disguise
不许偷看 207
No Peeking
深深的自责 208
Deep Remorse
麻烦的龙虾 210
The Troublesome Lobster
好心没好报 212
Good Won't Be Rewarded
报应 214
生日聚会 216
A Birthday Party
妙招戴眼镜 218
A Smart Way to Wear the Glasses
晕血的父亲 220
Daddy Faints at the Sight of Blood
醉后刮胡子 222
Drunk Shaving
互相取笑 224
Poke Fun at Each Other
四 我和老爸去冒险/225
鱼儿的信 226
The Message Sent by Fish
乖巧的马儿 228
A Smart Horse
长矮了 229
Grow Shorter
乐器妙用 230
The Instruments Can Work Miracles
添乱的小白 233
The Troublesome Little White
偶遇美人鱼 234
Come Across a Mermaid
恩将仇报 235
Return Kindness with Hatred
真假兔子 237
Real or False Rabbits
有求必应的书 239
The Book That Responds to Any Plea
狮口逃生 241
Flee From a Lion's Jaws
极速长大的鱼 243
The Fish Growing at an Incredible Speed
城堡里的嬉闹 245
Frolicking in the Castle
惊喜变惊吓 247
A Nightmarish Surprise
杂技表演 249
An Acrobatic Show
旅行意外 251
An Accident on Travelling
音乐充饥 253
Music Allays Hunger
取火 255
Make Fire
漂流瓶求救 257
A Current Bottle Asks for Help
恩将仇报的豹子 259
An Ungrateful Leopard
意外的猎物 261
The Unexpected Prey
空欢喜一场 263
Empty Joy
丛林飞跃的“老爸” 265
“Daddy” Springing in the Jungle
钢琴妙用 267
The Magic Use of the Piano
裤式渔网 269
A Trouser Fishing-Net
有趣的客人 271
A Funny Guest
失败的斧子,成功的刮胡刀 272
A Poor Ax, a Good Shaver
什么都啃啊 274
Does It Gnaw Anything
与袋鼠交朋友 276
Make Friends with Kangaroos
新船试水 278
The Virgin Sailing
陷阱 280
A Pitfall
你必须帮忙 282
You Must Help
漂流瓶邮局 284
The Current-Bottle Post Office
丰收梦碎 285
The Harvest Dream Is Broken
破船为家 287
Take a Wreck as Home
工具珍贵胜黄金 289
Tools Are Valuable than Gold
海星勋章 291
Starfish Medals
酒醉胡言 293
Talking Drunken
期待已久的精神食粮 295
Longed-For Spiritual Food
意外获救 297
Saved by Chance
意外上岸 299
Land by Chance
终于回家了 301
Get Home Finally
五 你是*棒的/303
一起锻炼身体 304
Let's Exercise Together
一把伞的妙用 306
The Magical Function of an Umbrella
时多时少的胡子 307
Beard More or Less
看你干的好事 309
See What You've Done
小小消防员 311
The Little Firefighter
地毯上的创作 312
The Creation on the Blanket
不听话的马 314
A Stubborn Horse
钓到大鱼 316
A Big Fish
帽子上的新装饰 319
The New Decoration on the Hat
驯马妙计 321
A Knack to Tame the Horse
原来如此 323
I See
意外夺冠 325
An Unexpected Champion
忍可忍 327
Beyond Endurance
暗器 329
A Hidden Weapon
救错人啦 331
Save a Wrong Person
大力士 333
A Strong Man
可以吃的早报 335

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中小学教辅 英语阅读


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