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Comprehension exercises

I. Read the following statements, mark


   Y (for YES)                ifthe statement agrees with the inJrmation given in the text;

   N (forNO)                 ifthe statement contradicts the informationgiven in the text;

   NG (r NOT GIVEN)      if the inrmation is not given in the text.

            1. REM is a phase of sleep during which our brains have a good rest.

             2. It is a fact that dreams take over the work our brain left undone during the day.

            3. Physiologically speaking, a two-year-old experiences more dreams than an adult

                during REM.

            4. Our brain waves during sleep are found to be extremely similar to the brain waves

                during the hours we are awake.

            5. Freud belongs to the psychological school of thought.

            6. Throughout history, the number of psychological school followers has exceeded

                that of physiological school followers.

II. Facts are statements that tell what really happened or really is the case. A fact is based on direct

   evidence and can be proved. Opinions are statements of belief, judgment, or feeling. Opinions

   show what someone thinks about a subject. Label the following statements 1 forct and O for


            7. Two different schools of thought exist as to why we dream: the physiological

               school, and the psychological school.

   __ 8. Psychological theorists of dreams speculate that dreams deal with immediate con-

               cerns in our lives, such as unfinished business from the day, or concerns we are

               incapable of handling during the course of the day.

   __ 9. Connections between dreams and the human psyche have been made by many

               people over thousands of years.

     Did you sleep well last night? Or did

you wake up feeling fatigued and slug-

gish-perhaps even wondering ifyou re-

ally slept at all? Getting a good night's sleep

requires more than crawling into bed and

closing your eyes. Understanding your

sleep behavior and preparing for a sound

sleep can help make sure every night is a

good night for sleeping.

       "Sleep is a behavior and, like all

behaviors, it varies greatly among people,"

explains Dr. Carol Landis, sleep re-

searcher and associate professor in

biobehavioral nursing and health systems

at the University of Washington School

of Nursing. "The greatest differences oc-

cur in the timing of sleep and the amount

of sleep -- the factors which are most

important in determining whether you

will wake up feeling rested."

      Research has found that people sleep

better at different times during their daily

cycle. For example, some people function

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